Cluster disk resource "%1": The VolGuid list maintained for this disk resource appears to have too many entries. If all the ...

Cluster disk resource "%1":
  The VolGuid list maintained for this disk resource appears to have  too many entries. If all the VolGuid entries are valid, than this  message can safely be ignored. If the VolGuid list should be  recreated, you can do this by setting this disk resource's Parameter  key "UseMountPoints=0" and taking the disk offline and online again.  For the quorum resource, set "UseMountPoints=0" and then move the  quorum disk from one node to another. Note that when mountpoints are  disabled ("UseMountPoints=0"), mountpoints on the clustered disks  will not work correctly until they are re-enabled ("UseMountPoints=1").
English (United States)