[/JoinDomain:{Yes | No}] Specifies whether or not the computer will be joined to the domain as this computer account during installation. The default is Yes. [/ReferralServer:] The name of the server to contact to download the network boot program and boot image. [/BootProgram: ] The relative path from the RemoteInstall share to the network boot program that this computer should receive. For example, "boot\x86\pxeboot.com". [/WdsClientUnattend: ] The relative path from the RemoteInstall share to the unattend file that automates the Setup UI screens on the client. [/BootImagePath: ] The relative path from the RemoteInstall share to the boot image that this computer should receive. EXAMPLES: --------- WDSUTIL /Approve-PendingDevices /RequestId:12 WDSUTIL /Approve-PendingDevices /RequestId:20 /MachineName:Computer1 /OU:"OU=Test,CN=Company,DC=Domain,DC=Com" /User:Domain\User1 /JoinRights:Full /ReferralServer:MyWDSServer /BootProgram:boot\x86\pxeboot.n12 /WdsClientUnattend:WdsClientUnattend\Unattend.xml /BootImagePath:boot\x86 \images\boot.wim WDSUTIL /Verbose /Approve-PendingDevices /RequestId:ALL
/InstallType:{ | replica} Optional. Specifies whether a new unique AD LDS instance is created or whether a new instance is ...
/InstanceDescription:"description_of_the_instance" Optional. Specifies a description for the instance. By default, the description ...
/InstanceName:"name_of_the_instance" Optional. Specifies the name of the instance that you are creating. By default, the ...
/IsLastDCInDomain:{Yes | } Specifies whether the computer which is being demoted is the last domain controller in the domain. ...
/JoinDomain:{Yes | No} Specifies whether or not the computer will be joined to the domain as this computer account during ...
/List-Image /ImageFile: {/Index: | /Name: } Displays a list of the files and folders within a specified image. Example: DISM.exe ...
/LocalLDAPPortToListenOn:{port_number: 389 or any unused port number between 1025 and 65535, inclusive} Required. Specifies ...
/LocalSSLPortToListenOn:{port_number: 636 or any unused port number between 1025 and 65535, inclusive} Required. Specifies ...
/LogFilesPath:"path_name" Optional. By default, the log files are stored under "Program Files\Microsoft ADAM\instance_name\data" ...