Visual Studio 2012

  1. Cannot autoattach to the SQL Server, possibly because the firewall is configured incorrectly or autoattach is forbidden by ...
  2. Cannot automatically create animation clone for frozen property values on '{0}' objects. Only FrameworkElement and FrameworkContentElement ...
  3. Cannot automatically generate a valid default value for property '{0}'. Specify a default value explicitly when owner type ...
  4. cannot avoid potential ARM hazard (QSD8960 P1 processor bug) in section %X; please consider using compiler option /Gy if ...
  5. Cannot be abstract unless the declaring class is marked as abstract;;'{0}' cannot be abstract unless the declaring class ...
  6. cannot be converted to '|6' because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the 'In' generic parameter '|3' in '|4'. ...
  7. cannot be converted to '|6' because '|1' is not derived from '|2', as required for the 'Out' generic parameter '|3' in '|4'. ...
  8. cannot be exposed to COM as a property 'Let'. You will not be able to assign non-object values (such as numbers or strings) ...
  9. cannot be installed on Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME or Windows NT 4.0. You must install Windows 2000 or later, ...
  10. cannot be installed on Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000. You must install Windows ...
  11. cannot be installed on Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition. Please upgrade your operating system to ...
  12. cannot be installed on this version of the operating system. You must install Windows 2000 SP4 or later, and rerun setup. ...
  13. cannot be made nullable, and cannot be used as the data type of an array element, field, anonymous type member, type argument, ...
  14. Cannot build because the ClickOnce manifest signing option is not selected. To select this option, open the project property ...
  15. Cannot build because the ClickOnce manifest signing option is not selected. To select this option, open the project property ...
  16. Cannot calculate code metrics because none of the selected projects support code metrics or Visual Studio is debugging an ...
  17. Cannot call Arrange on a UIElement with infinite size or NaN. Parent of type '{0}' invokes the UIElement. Arrange called ...
  18. Cannot call MarkupExtension.ProvideValue because of a cyclical dependency. Properties inside a MarkupExtension cannot reference ...
  19. Cannot call the ClockController.SkipToFill method for a Clock that has a Duration or RepeatDuration of Forever, because this ...
  20. Cannot call this API during the OnRender callback. During OnRender, only drawing operations that draw the content of the ...
  21. Cannot change security permissions at this time because the collection is under temporary maintenance. Please wait a few ...
  22. Cannot change source control bindings. Ensure that each project has a valid binding. Alternatively, you can choose to work ...
  23. Cannot change the VirtualizationMode attached property on an ItemsControl after Measure is called on the ItemsHost panel. ...
  24. Cannot check out the server version of '{0}' while the working folder version is open. To avoid this condition, change your ...
  25. Cannot connect to the controller on '{0}'. The lab service account available on this machine is not valid. Either the updated ...
  26. Cannot connect to the Notification URL {0}. Depending on your environment this may be expected behavior. Contact your system ...
  27. Cannot connect to the SharePoint site. If you moved this project to a new computer or if the URL of the SharePoint site has ...
  28. Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: {0}. Make sure that the Site URL is valid, that the SharePoint site is running on ...
  29. Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: {0}. Make sure that the Site URL is valid, that the SharePoint site is running on ...
  30. Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: {0}. Make sure that the Site URL is valid, that the SharePoint site is running on ...
  31. Cannot connect to the SharePoint site: {0}. Make sure that this is a valid URL and the SharePoint site is running on the ...
  32. Cannot connect with controller '{0}'. If the controller service is not started you may be able to start it by clicking the ...
  33. Cannot contact computer '{0}'. The remote computer might be powered down, or there may be a connectivity or configuration ...
  34. Cannot convert %1!ls! to delegate type '%2!ls!' because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible ...
  35. Cannot convert '%1!ls!' to delegate because some of the return types in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate ...
  36. Cannot convert anonymous method block without a parameter list to delegate type '%1!ls!' because it has one or more out parameters ...
  37. Cannot convert anonymous type to an expression tree because a property of the type is used to initialize another property. ...
  38. Cannot convert async %1!ls! to delegate type '%2!ls!'. An async %1!ls! may return void, Task or Task , none of which are ...
  39. Cannot convert null to type parameter '%1!ls!' because it could be a non-nullable value type. Consider using 'default(%1!ls!)' ...
  40. Cannot convert start value of type '{0}', limit value of type '{1}', and step value of type '{2}' to a common numeric type. ...
  41. Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the Name property is null or empty. Set the Name property before ...
  42. Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the Namespace property is null. Set the Namespace property ...
  43. Cannot convert this XamlTypeName instance to a string because the provided INamespacePrefixLookup could not generate a prefix ...
  44. Cannot convert type '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!' via a reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, ...
  45. Cannot copy the instrumented binary '{0}' and its symbols file to the reverse deployment directory ('{1}'). Exception was ...
  46. Cannot copy the value of 'ByRef' parameter '|1' back to the matching argument because type '|2' cannot be converted to type ...
  47. Cannot create a constructor/destructor or convert existing method to a constructor or destructor. Constructors and destructors ...
  48. Cannot create a reference group named '{0}' because the name is already being used by an existing reference group, folder ...
  49. Cannot create a service reference with namespace '{0}' because the name is already in use by an existing service reference, ...
  50. Cannot create an interaction use across unrelated fragments or between the send and receive events of a synchronous message. ...
  51. Cannot create automated test run. A build associated with the active test plan is required to submit an automated test run. ...
  52. Cannot create event delegate '{0}' for handler method '{1}'. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow ...
  53. Cannot create object of the specified createType; CreateLogicalTypeFromSequenceDiagramCommand/CreateLogicalTypeFromLifelineCommand ...
  54. Cannot create object of type '{0}'. CreateInstance failed, which can be caused by not having a public default constructor ...
  55. Cannot create the directory '[2]'. A file with this name already exists. Please rename or remove the file and click retry, ...
  56. Cannot create the file '[2]'. A directory with this name already exists. Cancel the install and try installing to a different ...
  57. cannot create the folder %1 to open the solution or project from source control. It is possible that you don't have access ...
  58. Cannot create the following project because another project might exist in the same location, or the solution might have ...
  59. Cannot create the item because the item template contains an inappropriate value for the following parameter: {0}. The parameter ...
  60. Cannot create the project because the application associated with this project type is not installed on this computer. You ...
  61. Cannot create the project because Visual Web Developer components are not installed. Please install the Visual Web Developer ...
  62. Cannot create the project. The document used to create this project contains ActiveX controls that the designer cannot load. ...
  63. Cannot create the project. The workbook used to create this project contains ActiveX controls that the designer cannot load. ...
  64. Cannot debug some of the code in process %1 %2]. See below for status. %3 Click OK to continue debugging the remaining code. ...
  65. Cannot debug stored procedures because the SQL Server database is not setup correctly or user does not have permission to ...
  66. Cannot deduce the entity defining the Association '{0}'. While specifying the entity (other than the current entity) that ...
  67. Cannot deduce the Foreign Identifier Association Entity for the TypeDescriptor '{0}'. To specify Foreign Identifier Association ...
  68. Cannot deduce the Identifier Entity for the TypeDescriptor '{0}'. To specify Identifier Entity for a TypeDescriptor both ...
  69. Cannot define a class or member that utilizes 'dynamic' because the compiler required type '%1!ls!' cannot be found. Are ...
  70. Cannot define a new extension method because the compiler required type '%1!ls!' cannot be found. Are you missing a reference? ...
  71. Cannot determine the item type of collection type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or ICollection implementation. ...
  72. Cannot determine the item type of dictionary type '{0}' because it has more than one Add method or IDictionary implementation. ...
  73. Cannot determine the positional parameters for type '{0}' because it has more than one constructor overload with '{1}' parameters. ...
  74. Cannot determine where to place the extracted method. Fixing syntax and build errors, and trying again may resolve the problem. ...
  75. Cannot discover test extensions installed by NuGet. The NuGet service is not available. Tests may not be found due to missing ...