Visual Studio 2012

  1. An invalid culture was specified in the 'template' directive. The culture must be in the "xx-XX" format. The invariant culture ...
  2. An invalid debug value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The debug value must be either "true" or "false". The ...
  3. An invalid HostSpecific value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The HostSpecific value must be either "true", ...
  4. An invalid language '{0}' was specified in the 'template' directive. The language must be either "C#" or "VB". The default ...
  5. An invalid linePragmas value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The value must be either "true" or "false". The ...
  6. An invalid parameter value cannot be bound to an action step for this iteration. {0} You will not be able to play back the ...
  7. An invalid URL was provided for the work item. Correct the URL parameters by providing either Work Item ID (id) or Work Item ...
  8. An invalid visibility '{0}' was specified in the 'template' directive. The visibility must be either 'internal' or 'public'. ...
  9. An issue in the %1 process caused it to fail to activate. This process exited with a native exception. To debug the issue, ...
  10. An issue in the %1 process caused it to fail to activate. This process threw one or more exceptions. Use Debug->Exceptions ...
  11. An item referring to the file '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. Since this file is located within a system directory, ...
  12. An item template will allow a user to add your item to one of their existing projects. Your template will be available to ...
  13. An unexpected DCOM error occurred while trying to automatically attach to the remote web server. Try manually attaching to ...
  14. An unexpected error has occurred because an operating system resource required for single instance startup cannot be acquired. ...
  15. An unexpected error has occurred. Please record the following message when seeking support from Microsoft: Source:{0} ErrorCode:{1} ...
  16. An unexpected error occurred while attempting to set the default language project property. Please ensure the project file ...
  17. An unexpected error occurred while detecting Silverlight installations. Silverlight Runtime version: '{0}', Silverlight Developer ...
  18. An unexpected error occurred while evaluating the Code Analysis check-in policy. The error might be transient. Try again. ...
  19. An unexpected error was encountered in the assembly: {0}. Detailed error: {1} The manual test activity will be closed. Do ...
  20. An unexpected exception occurred building the console node tree and some nodes may not appear as expected. Exception message ...
  21. An unexpected failure occured while upgrading the SCVMM resources. More details: {0} Resolve any errors and try the operation ...
  22. An unexpected start or end tag was found within a block. Make sure that you did not mis-type a start or end tag, and that ...
  23. An unhandled exception was raised from Microsoft .NET Framework v 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0, but the current debugger is configured ...
  24. An unknown error has occurred while attempting to create an Adapter. Please close all instances of Visual Studio and try ...
  25. An unknown error was encountered while trying to reload the document. You should close and reload the document. Error Text: ...
  26. An unsaved document cannot be moved into another project from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved ...
  27. An unspecified failure occurreed while initializing the %s source control provider. You cannot use this provider to perform ...
  28. An update to Visual Studio is required before you can use the Silverlight Designer. To continue editing your XAML files without ...
  29. An x:Class attribute is required to generate an event handler. Modify the root element of the XAML document to include an ...
  30. An XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the NewNamespace and OldNamespace ...
  31. An XmlnsDefinitionAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the ClrNamespace and XmlNamespace ...
  32. An XmlnsPrefixAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the Prefix and XmlNamespace properties, ...
  33. Analyze data from one or more coverage files and output XML. Usage: analyze options file2 . Options: /include_skipped_functions ...
  34. And keyword Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  35. And operator Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  36. AndAlso operator Performs a short-circuit logical conjunction on two expressions. Returns True if both operands evaluate ...
  37. Animation {0}, whose target visual is {1}, is CPU-bound because of {2}. Go to the Performance Warnings menu in the navigation ...
  38. Annotations for the _On_failure_ context must not be in explicit pre context: Annotation '%1$ls' on function '%2$ls', '%3$ls'. ...
  39. Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions inside structs cannot access instance members of 'this'. Consider ...
  40. Anonymous type member property '|1' cannot be used to infer the type of another member property because the type of '|1' ...
  41. Anonymous type property '|1' cannot be used in the definition of a lambda expression within the same initialization list. ...
  42. Another agent installation is in progress on {0}. The machine is possibly being used as part of another environment. Update ...
  43. Another debugger has registered itself as the Just-In-Time debugger. To repair, enable Just-In-Time debugging or run Visual ...
  44. Another install of this package is already running. Please wait for the other install to finish before reinstalling this ...
  45. Another installation process is running. Wait a moment, and then click Retry. Or, if you are running any other installation ...
  46. Another installation process is running. Wait a moment, then click Retry. Or, if you are running any other installation process ...
  47. Another process is already bound to the TCP/IP port number specified using the '/wow64port' command line argument. This may ...
  48. Another user has made conflicting changes to one or more of the fields you have modified. Please resolve the conflict(s) ...
  49. Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
  50. Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
  51. Ansi keyword Used in a Declare statement. The Ansi modifier specifies that Visual Basic should marshal all strings to ANSI ...
  52. Any code and related items associated with the selected items will also be removed from the project. Would you like to continue? ...
  53. Any features already configured will be skipped. To change their configuration, you must configure the features manually. ...
  54. any other file as the first argument if you want to have the file open automatically in an editor. When you enter a project ...
  55. API matching configuration error: the image '{0}' was specified in two different modules '{1}' and '{2}'. Each image must ...
  56. App deployment to the Windows Phone failed because multiple Windows Phone 8 devices were detected. You should only connect ...
  57. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Phone apps, create app package ...
  58. App package '{0}' does not has test executor entry point. For running unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package ...
  59. App package '{0}' does not have test executor entry point. For executing unit tests for Windows Store apps, create app package ...
  60. App requires a front-facing camera to function correctly. Selecting this option prevents the app from installing on a phone ...
  61. App requires a phone that contains a compass to function correctly. Selecting this option prevents the app from installing ...
  62. App requires a phone that contains a gyroscope to function correctly. Selecting this option prevents the app from installing ...
  63. App requires a phone with a chip that enables Near Field Communication (NFC) to function correctly. Selecting this option ...
  64. App requires a rear-facing camera to function correctly. Selecting this option prevents the app from installing on a phone ...
  65. App responsiveness is poor due to high CPU usage by the UI thread. In the timeline, select the time range for more details. ...
  66. App responsiveness is poor due to slow page load caused by a large visual tree. In the timeline, select the time range for ...
  67. App responsiveness is poor. In the timeline, select a range and perform further analysis by expanding the Performance Warnings ...
  68. App startup time is {0:0.00} {1}, which is too slow. The app will not launch on a consumer phone if the startup takes more ...
  69. AppBarButtonStyle is used to style a Button (or ToggleButton) for use in an App Bar. Content will be centered and should ...
  70. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : No specific error is displayed. Solution : Perform the failed ...
  71. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : The error message is displayed because automation playback ...
  72. Appearance : Playback of the action recording fails. Problem : The error message is displayed because the automation playback ...
  73. Appearance : The action recording tries to launch the application. Problem : The system cannot find the file specified or ...
  74. Appearance : The action recording tries to set value on a password text box. Problem : The automation playback engine is ...
  75. appears to be a non-generic, strongly typed collection. Add an implementation to the instance of {1} where T is the underlying ...