Visual Studio 2012

  1. Asserting a security permission without performing any security checks can leave an exploitable security weakness in your ...
  2. Assign the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) that will be used by Lab Management and the network location that ...
  3. Assign the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) that will be used by Lab Management. Optionally specify settings for ...
  4. Assigning the "{0}" attribute on an item that has been evaluated is not allowed. This operation is only allowed on the original ...
  5. Assignments for one or more linked child items could not be submitted to Project Server because this item is not yet published ...
  6. Association '{0}' causes Entity Type '{1}' to exist in more than one Cascade Delete Association Paths. Remove the association ...
  7. AssociationReference referring to the Association '{0}' can only be defined in the Entity with Name '{1}' and Namespace '{2}'. ...
  8. AssociationReference referring to the Association '{0}' cannot set Reverse attribute to 'true'. An association can set the ...
  9. Async lambda modifier Defines an asynchronous lambda expression that can use the Await operator. Can be used wherever a delegate ...
  10. Asynchronous Copy Size: {0} Asynchronous Operation Id: {1} Source Accelerator Id: 0x{2:X} Source Accelerator View: 0x{3:X} ...
  11. At least one composable part has a service or project capability requirement but is scoped to an inappropriate catalog. Please ...
  12. At least one error occurred during the successful creation of the label '{0}'. The specific error(s) are displayed in the ...
  13. At least one file type must be supported. Either select "Supports any file type", or enter at least one specific file type; ...
  14. At least one of the following must be specified: linear velocity ({0} or {1}), angular velocity ({2}), or expansion velocity ...
  15. At least one of the values that you added is a duplicate of a value already on the list. You must either delete or change ...
  16. At least one test failed because the {0} process did not have sufficient permissions to access deployment directory {1}. ...
  17. At least one test failed because the {0} process does not have sufficient permission to access test assembly {1} or one of ...
  18. At the end of the deployment script, a block of statements will be added that will verify all of the constraints as one set. ...
  19. ATL Server support has been removed from this version of Visual Studio. In case your ATL Project uses any ATL Server functionality, ...
  20. Attaches a label to or removes a label from a version of a file or folder in Team Foundation version control. tf label labelname[@scope ...
  21. Attaching to a process in a different terminal server session is not supported on this computer. Try remote debugging to ...
  22. Attaching to this process can potentially harm your computer. If the information below looks suspicious or you are unsure, ...
  23. Attempt to create job ({0}) has failed: provided Service Host is incompatible with this job type. A ProjectCollection HostType ...
  24. Attempt to create job ({0}) has failed: provided Service Host is incompatible with this job type. An Application HostType ...
  25. Attempt to disconnect server "{0}" failed. {1} Please save any opened resources to server "{0}". {2} will close connection ...
  26. Attempt to lock physical memory failed. There is not enough contiguous memory available or you do not have sufficient permissions ...
  27. Attempt to reference named object(s) '{0}' which have not yet been defined. Forward references, or references to objects ...
  28. Attempt to unregister document {0} failed because either it is not registered as a related item or the registration count ...
  29. Attempting to resolve operation conflict by restarting conflicting recognizers:{0}Requested operation: {1}{0}Requesting recognizer ...
  30. Attribute constructor has a 'ByRef' parameter of type '|1'; cannot use constructors with byref parameters to apply the attribute. ...
  31. Attribute constructor has a parameter of type '|1', which is not an integral, floating-point or Enum type or one of Object, ...
  32. Attribute identifies pointer parameters that are returned from the called procedure to the calling procedure (from the server ...
  33. attribute in '' namespace is valid only when used with an IDictionary property. ...
  34. Attribute specifier is not a complete statement. Use a line continuation to apply the attribute to the following statement. ...
  35. Authentication, Roles and Web Settings providers have been configured via the Application configuration file such that they ...
  36. Auto keyword Used in a Declare statement. The Auto modifier specifies that Visual Basic should marshal strings according ...
  37. Automatic connection to the following team project failed: {0} on server {1}. Click Refresh to display all currently available ...
  38. Automatic connection to the following team project failed: {0} on server {1}. Click Refresh to display all currently available ...
  39. Automatic Indentation On Tab : When tab is pressed with a single point cursor selection, automatically indent the current ...
  40. Automatic insertion of end constructs;Change pretty listing settings;Change outlining mode;Automatic insertion of Interface ...
  41. Automatic updates to the IntelliSense browsing database are disabled. To see the most recent changes, update the database ...
  42. Automatically format completed statement on semicolon;Automatically format completed block on brace;Automatically format ...
  43. Automatically sends reports of internal compiler errors to Microsoft. To enable this option, you must first agree to Microsoft%27s ...
  44. Automation engine is unable to playback the test because it is not able to interact with the desktop. This could happen if ...
  45. AutoResize cannot adjust the width of multiline buttons in this dialog without making them too wide to fit. You will have ...
  46. AutoResize cannot adjust the width of multiline static text controls in this dialog without making them too wide to fit. ...
  47. AutoResize does not adjust controls that are selected. If you selected the controls accidentally, undo the AutoResize operation, ...
  48. Available Add-ins. Select an Add-in then press the space key to toggle the load state of the Add-in, Alt-S to toggle the ...
  49. Average frame rate achieved when this animation was active. For CPU-bound animations, this specifies the rate at which the ...
  50. Average requests per second : {0} Average time to last byte : {1} Average time to first byte : {2} Average content length ...
  51. Avoid API that require users to instantiate a generic type with another generic type as type argument. The syntax gets too ...
  52. Avoid creating compound words from terms which exist in the dictionary as discrete terms. Do not create a compound word such ...
  53. Avoid generic types with more than two type parameters as users have difficulties understanding what type parameters represent ...
  54. Avoid naming an enum value 'Reserved'. Adding 'Reserved' values will lead to a breaking change on removal when the value ...
  55. Avoid using language-specific types name in parameters and members and data type identifiers in parameters. Types names might ...
  56. Await' can only be used within an Async lambda expression. Consider marking this lambda expression with the 'Async' modifier. ...
  57. Await' can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method with the 'Async' modifier and changing its return ...
  58. Await' can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method with the 'Async' modifier and changing its return ...
  59. Await' may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial 'From' clause or within ...
  60. await' requires that the return type '%1!ls!' of '%2!ls!.GetAwaiter()' have suitable IsCompleted, OnCompleted, and GetResult ...
  61. Await' requires that the return type '|1' of '|2.GetAwaiter()' have suitable IsCompleted, OnCompleted and GetResult members, ...
  62. await' requires that the type '%1!ls!' have a suitable GetAwaiter method. Are you missing a using directive for 'System'? ...
  63. BackButtonStyle is used to style a Button for use in the title area of a page. Margins appropriate for the conventional page ...
  64. BackgroundWorker component instance to manage the background thread. Can be created by dragging a BackgroundWorker component ...
  65. Backing field for automatically implemented property '%1!ls!' must be fully assigned before control is returned to the caller. ...
  66. Bad array declarator: To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier. To declare a fixed ...
  67. Bad format specifier (after l or L): Expected ld,li,lo,lu,lx or lX. In F# code you can use %d, %x, %o or %u instead, which ...
  68. Based on 'Expert' settings and additionally optimizes for maximum text editor space by hiding tool windows, tool bars, and ...
  69. Basic Runtime Checks : Perform basic runtime error checks, incompatible with any optimization type other than debug. (/RTCs, ...
  70. Batch parser wrapper execution engine batch ResultSet processing: DataReader.FieldCount: {0} DataReader.RecordsAffected: ...
  71. Batching Separator : Specifies the separating character string for the list of inputs when files are batched into a single ...
  72. Be sure to carefully read and understand all of the rights and restrictions described in the License Terms. You will be asked ...
  73. Because a 'Fallback Location' was not specified in the C++ Advanced Options, Visual C++ is attempting to use your temporary ...
  74. Because assembly {0} contains a ResX-based resource file, mark it with the NeutralResourcesLanguage attribute, specifying ...
  75. Because direct comparisons to 'Single.NaN' or 'Double.NaN' will always return true for inequality and false for all other ...