Visual Studio 2010

  1. ActiveX references no longer support per-configuration settings. To generate a custom interop wrapper, use tlbimp/aximp to ...
  2. Add a 'private void OnDeserialized(StreamingContext)' method to type {0} and attribute it with the System.Runtime.Serial ...
  3. Add a 'private void OnDeserializing(StreamingContext)' method to type {0} and attribute it with the System.Runtime.Seria ...
  4. Add a caption to a picture or other image. A caption is a line of text that appears below an object to describe it. For example: ...
  5. Add a constructor to {0} with the following signature: 'protected {0}(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)'. ...
  6. Add a Join node, which brings together several concurrent threads. When a thread is waiting on each incoming flow, a single ...
  7. Add a Merge node, which combines alternate flows into an outgoing flow. When a thread arrives on any incoming flow, it emerges ...
  8. Add a Package. A package can contain types and other packages. The qualified names of its contents are prefixed with the ...
  9. Add a Table of Contents to the document. Once you have added a Table of Contents, click the Add Text button to add entries ...
  10. Add a text bullet to your SmartArt graphic. This option is available only if the selected layout supports bulleted text. ...
  11. Add a Web Reference instead of a Service Reference. This will generate code based on .NET Framework 2.0 Web Services technology. ...
  12. Add ActiveX Reference : Adds the specified ActiveX type library as an ActiveX (COM) reference and indicates whether it already ...
  13. Add all the selected nodes to the currently visible graph document. To include only the nodes in the current column, press ...
  14. Add an action to the selected object to specify what should happen when you click on it or hover over it with your mouse. ...
  15. Add an address to your letter. You specify the formatting and location, and Word will replace it with actual addresses from ...
  16. Add an assistant into your Organization Chart. This option is only available if you have chosen an organization chart layout, ...
  17. Add another assembly to the Configured Assemblies list. After the assembly has been added, double-click the assembly in the ...
  18. Add any field from your recipient list to the document, such as "Last Name," "Home Phone," "Company Name," or any other field. ...
  19. Add Assembly Reference With Strong Name : Adds an assembly reference with the specified relative path and strong name and ...
  20. Add Assembly Reference With Strong Name : Adds an assembly reference with the specified relative path and strong name. If ...
  21. Add Boolean Property : Adds a boolean property to the custom build rule with the given name. Returns the new boolean property. ...
  22. Add data fields to the chart. For most chart types, a field in the Categories list is displayed on the x-axis. A field in ...
  23. Add Integer Property : Adds an integer property to the custom build rule with the given name. Returns the new integer property. ...
  24. Add links to the current view to enable edit, delete, and insert modes. Customize each mode by selecting the mode's template ...
  25. Add machines to the environment and assign a role for each machine. Role helps to target a machine for running tests, collecting ...
  26. Add new rows, columns, cells, or sheets to your workbook. New rows will be added above the selection and new columns will ...
  27. Add one or more virtual machines to the environment and assign a role to each machine. The role helps target a machine for ...
  28. Add or remove specified DNS records that were created by TFS. TfsConfig lab /dns /add|/delete|/list /name: /ip: TfsConfig ...
  29. Add Project Reference By Identifier : Adds a project reference to the project with the given identifier and indicates whether ...
  30. Add projects that you would like to archive to the list below. The Archive tool will place data for these projects into an ...
  31. Add Reference To File : Adds either an assembly reference or a ActiveX reference to the given file and indicates whether ...
  32. Add Reference To File : Adds either an assembly reference or a ActiveX reference to the given file. If the file is not a ...
  33. Add Rule Definition : Adds a Rule to the project so it becomes available as an IVCRulePropertyStorage object in the VCConfiguration. ...
  34. Add Setting was unable to add the setting '{0}'. Please navigate to the settings file using the solution explorer and add ...
  35. Add SQL statements here that you want to run after each test method (unit test) in this test class is run. In the lower pane, ...
  36. Add SQL statements here that you want to run after the test script is run. In the lower pane, you can add test conditions ...
  37. Add SQL statements here that you want to run before each test method (unit test) in this test class is run. In the lower ...
  38. Add SQL statements here that you want to run before the test script is run. In the lower pane, you can add test conditions ...
  39. Add SQL statements here to exercise the database object that you want to test. To test a stored procedure, invoke it here ...
  40. Add String Property : Adds a string property to the custom build rule with the given name. Returns the new string property. ...
  41. Add the following line to the root element of the XAML file where you wish to use this control: xmlns:MyNamespace="clr-n ...
  42. Add the following line to the root element of the XAML file where you wish to use this control: xmlns:MyNamespace="clr-n ...
  43. Add the MarshalAsAttribute to parameter {0} of P/Invoke {1}. If the corresponding unmanaged parameter is a 4-byte Win32 'BOOL', ...
  44. Add the MarshalAsAttribute to the return type of P/Invoke {0}. If the corresponding unmanaged return type is a 4-byte Win32 ...
  45. Add voting buttons to this message. People reading this message can vote for any of the options you specify. The votes get ...
  46. Add, remove, or modify all or specified host groups in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /hostGroup /collectionName: ...
  47. Add, remove, or modify all or specified library shares in a team project collection TfsConfig lab /libraryShare /collectionName: ...
  48. AddHandler keyword Declares an AddHandler accessor, which specifies the statements to execute when an event handler is added. ...
  49. Adding a '%1' around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue is enabled. ...
  50. Adding a test page requires the Asp.Net Silverlight controls to be installed. These are typically installed with the Silverlight ...
  51. Adding and removing columns resets the values in the Match Fields dialog box. You will need to recreate any custom matches ...
  52. Adding build agents is not supported from this client. Please use a client compatible with Team Foundation Server 2010 and ...
  53. Adding location service data to the project collection {0} failed. See the log for additional details. The exception message ...
  54. Adding or changing a formula to the selected column will delete all indexes and relationships it participates in. Do you ...
  55. Adding or changing a formula to the selected column will delete all relationships it participates in as a foreign key. Do ...
  56. Adding or removing '{0}' as a project import failed because of an unexpected error from the project system. The error returned ...
  57. Adding the same virtual machine to an environment multiple times might result in computer name conflicts. To prevent conflicts, ...
  58. Adding these services will allow external content to be searched and displayed inside the Research task pane. Information ...
  59. Adding this number of objects to your project might take a long time. Are you sure you want to add all of the selected objects? ...
  60. Adding this provider will allow external content to be searched and displayed inside the Research task pane. Information ...
  61. Additional Dependencies : Specifies the additional dependencies for the rule. When these dependencies change on disk, the ...
  62. Additional Dependencies|Specifies the additional dependencies that, when changed, should cause the command line to be executed ...
  63. Additional Files : The semicolon-separated list of additional files to be deployed. Omit the primary project output and files ...
  64. Additional Include Directories : Specifies one or more directories to add to the include path; separate with semi-colons ...
  65. Additional Include Directories : Specifies one or more directories to add to the include path; use semi-colon delimited list ...
  66. Additional Include Directories : Specifies one or more directories to add to the include path; use semi-colon delimiter if ...
  67. Additional Library Directories : Specifies one or more additional paths to search for libraries; configuration specific; ...
  68. Additional Library Directories : Specifies one or more additional paths to search for libraries; configuration specific; ...
  69. Additional Manifest Dependencies : Specifies the additional XML manifest fragments the linker will put in the manifest file. ...
  70. Additional Manifest Files : Specifies the additional user manifest fragment files to merge into the manifest. (/manifest) ...
  71. Additional Options : Specifies the additional options that are put on the command line where AdditionalOptions is specified. ...
  72. Additional type annotations may be required to indicate the relevant override. This warning can be disabled using '#nowarn ...
  73. Address of a function yields _clrcall calling convention in /clr:pure and /clr:safe; consider using _clrcall in target type ...
  74. Adds a Select statement after Insert and Update statements to retrieve identity column values, default values, and other ...
  75. Adds code to register a read-only DependencyProperty. This snippet must be added to a class that derives from DependencyObject. ...