Add or remove specified DNS records that were created by TFS. TfsConfig lab /dns /add|/delete|/list /name: /ip: TfsConfig ...

Add or remove specified DNS records that were created by TFS.

    TfsConfig lab /dns /add|/delete|/list /name: /ip:
    TfsConfig lab /dns /add|/delete|/list 
    The /DNS option lets you manage DNS records that were created by 
    Team Foundation Server (TFS) through Lab Management. Every time that 
    a network isolated environment is created, TFS generates a unique computer 
    name for each virtual machine in the environment. The computer name is 
    then registered in DNS. The addition of these records happens automatically. 
    You must manage these records with the /dns option only in situations such 
    as (i) changing the service account under which TFS runs or (ii) moving a 
    project collection from one TFS server to another. 
    Use one of the /Add, /Delete, or /List options with the /dns option on a 
    command line. Some options require that you include additional options.
            Adds new records in DNS. The computer names and IP addresses of all 
            virtual machines that meet the selection criteria are registered in DNS. 
            For more information about selection criteria, see selection options 
            below. The /Add option can be applied only to environments that are 
            in a running state.
            Removes records from DNS. The computer names and IP addresses of all 
            virtual machines that meet the selection criteria are unregistered 
            from DNS. For more information about selection criteria, see the 
            selection options below. The /Delete option must be applied by using
            the account that created the records in DNS, for example, the service
            account under which TFS is running.
            Lists the DNS records created by TFS for environments that meet the
            selection criteria. For more information about selection criteria, 
            see the options below.
            Optional with /Add, /Edit, or /Delete. When specified, does not 
            display progress and result data in the command window.
            Selection options. For each of the previous /dns operations, 
            you can target the DNS entries in one of two ways. Use the Lab 
            Management object hierarchy options to specify the DNS entries 
            of an object in the hierarchy. You must specify the complete 
            hierarchy of parent objects if you use this method. Use the /name 
            and /ip options to specify the fully qualified doman name and IP 
            address of an individual entry. If no selection criteria is specified,
            then the option is applied to all virtual machines of all network 
            isolated environments that belong to all project collections in 
            the Team Foundation Server.
            Specifies a team project collection to which the /dns option is 
            applied. If the /teamProject option is not specified, the option 
            is applied to all network isolated environments in the 
            team project collection.
            Specifies the name of a team project in a team project collection 
            to which the /dns option is applied. If the /labEnvironmentUri option
            is not specified, the option is applied to all network isolated
            environments in the specified team project. You must specify the
            /collection option with the /teamProject option.
            Specifies the uri of the environment in a team project that to which
            the DNS option is applied. You must specify the /collection and
            /teamProject options with the /labEnvironmentUri option. Use the
            uri format vstfs:///LabManagement/LabEnvironment/.
            You can view the lab environment id in the Environment Viewer of
            Microsoft Test Manager or from the XML description of the
            virtual machine in SCVMM Admin Console.
            Specifies the fully qualified domain name that the /dns option
            targets. The /ip option must be specified with the /name option. 
            Specifies the IP address associated with the domain name that
            was specified in the /name option. The /name option must be
            specified with the /ip option.