Office System 2010

  1. Internet Explorer was not found on this computer. You will need Internet Explorer to visit a Certification Authority web ...
  2. Internet Information Services is not installed. You must have Internet Information Services installed in order to use the ...
  3. Internet Information Services is not installed. You must have Internet Information Services installed in order to use the ...
  4. Internet Information Systems (IIS) must be restarted before this change will take effect. To restart IIS, open a command ...
  5. Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the exchange history in the partner replica on the internet ...
  6. Internet synchronizer exited unexpectedly on the server. Look at the partner replica exchange history on the internet server ...
  7. Introduce an employee with a detailed biography and photo. Describe his or her duties, areas of expertise, credentials, and ...
  8. inumber!Returns the absolute value (modulus) of a complex number!is a complex number for which you want the absolute value! ...
  9. inumber!Returns the imaginary coefficient of a complex number!is a complex number for which you want the imaginary coefficient! ...
  10. inumber,number!Returns a complex number raised to an integer power!is a complex number you want to raise to a power!is the ...
  11. inumber1,inumber2!Returns the difference of two complex numbers!is the complex number from which to subtract inumber2!is ...
  12. inumber1,inumber2!Returns the quotient of two complex numbers!is the complex numerator or dividend!is the complex denominator ...
  13. inumber1,inumber2,.!Returns the product of 1 to 255 complex numbers!Inumber1, Inumber2,. are from 1 to 255 complex numbers ...
  14. Invalid Cache size.}Specified cache size is larger than the amount of free space available on the computer. Please enter ...
  15. Invalid Cache size.}Specified cache size is smaller than the minimum size of ^1 MB. Please enter a size larger than ^2 MB. ...
  16. Invalid cost. This is not a valid value, or it is outside the range for this field. Type the amount of the cost in numbers. ...
  17. Invalid cost.}This is not a valid cost value, or it is outside the range for this field. Type the amount of the cost in numbers. ...
  18. Invalid credential type. Basic or Digest authentication is valid only for the following connection types: Web Service, HTTP ...
  19. Invalid custom action configuration. When the value of the Location property is "ScriptLink", the custom action cannot supply ...
  20. Invalid Date. This is not a valid date for the project start date or it is outside the range for dates, which is January ...
  21. Invalid date. This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is from {0} through {1}. Type a date ...
  22. Invalid date.}This is not a valid date for the project finish date or it is outside the range for dates, which is ^1 through ...
  23. Invalid date.}This is not a valid date for the project start date or it is outside the range for dates, which is ^1 through ...
  24. Invalid date.}This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984 through December 31, ...
  25. Invalid date.}This is not a valid date, or it is outside the range for dates, which is ^1 through ^2. Type a date in the ...
  26. Invalid default value for ThrottleScope : {0} and ThrottleType : {1}. The maximum default value allowed by the administrator ...
  27. Invalid delegation dates. The end date must be greater or equal to the start date and greater or equal to the current date. ...
  28. Invalid duration. This is not a valid duration, or it is outside the range for this field. Type a duration in the correct ...
  29. Invalid duration.}This is not a valid duration, or it is outside the range for this field. Type a duration in the correct ...
  30. Invalid duration.}This is not a valid duration, or it is outside the range for this field. Type in a numeric duration value ...
  31. Invalid Entry. The number of alerts a user can create must be between 1 and 2000000000. Enter a number in the valid range. ...
  32. Invalid Feature Path {0}. The Path is either the name of the feature (feature folder), or the file name of the feature (full ...
  33. Invalid file name. The file name you specified could not be used. It may be the name of an existing file or directory, or ...
  34. Invalid Filter name '|0' specified for Finder '|1' in EntityNamespace '|2', Entity '|3'. The filter must be a Wildcard, Comparison, ...
  35. Invalid folder name. You cannot create a folder name that ends with a suffix used to organize supporting files. Enter a different ...
  36. Invalid item in hierarchy. Attempted to add item "|0" of type " |1" at the top level of the "|2" Help Library. Only items ...
  37. Invalid item in hierarchy. Attempted to add item "|0" of type "|1" at a level below the top level of the "|2" Help Library. ...
  38. Invalid join expression in query. LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN properties are not a joinable type, or cannot be joined together. ...
  39. Invalid lag time.}The lag time you typed is not valid. Try one of the following: \- For a fixed lag time, type a number and ...
  40. Invalid Lookup Table Type}\"^1\" has a lookup table which is unsupported. Remove the lookup table from the field or use a ...
  41. Invalid mapping entry in the mapping table (DCTMCredentialDomain='{0}', DCTMCredentialRepository='{1}', DCTMCredentialLoginName ...
  42. Invalid multiple line text value. A multiple line text field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again. ...
  43. Invalid multiplicity specified. Multiplicity values are comma separated ranges of integers. For example 0.5 or 0.3, 6.10, ...
  44. Invalid number of selected projects (must select at least 1 for dependency and finish-to-start or 2 for mutual inclusion ...
  45. Invalid number. The number you entered is invalid or it is outside the range for a Number field. Make sure you are typing ...
  46. Invalid number.}The number you entered is invalid or it is outside the range for a Number field. Make sure you are typing ...
  47. Invalid Numerical Format: Input must match {0} data type, or be a string that parses to match the {0} data type (formatted ...
  48. Invalid operation on this view object. Some properties and methods of this object cannot be used because of the type of view ...
  49. Invalid operation. Conversation verbs are not supported when running in online Exchange mode for this version of Exchange. ...
  50. Invalid operation. This rule action cannot be enabled because either the rule is read-only or invalid for the rule type, ...
  51. Invalid operation. This rule condition cannot be enabled because either the rule is read-only or invalid for the rule type, ...
  52. Invalid percent complete value.}A task cannot be less than 0 percent complete or greater than 100 percent complete. Type ...
  53. Invalid percent value. A percent value cannot be less than 0 percent complete or greater than 100 percent complete. Type ...
  54. Invalid Predecessor Link}SharePoint does not allow predecessor links to cross summary tasks. Please remove these predecessor ...
  55. Invalid Predecessor}SharePoint only supports Finish-to-Start predecessors without constraints or lag times. Modify the affected ...
  56. Invalid Property display name. Display names must not be empty, and for multi value properties the characters '|' and ';' ...
  57. Invalid Property name. Please enter a property name that matches the specification of URI schema name (RFC2396), which must ...
  58. Invalid reference '{0}' in expression. You may have attempted to use an undeclared parameter or a field that is not bound ...
  59. Invalid reference. This file version cannot contain formulas that reference cells beyond a worksheet size of 256 columns ...
  60. Invalid resource assignment.}Budget resources cannot be assigned to tasks. Budget resources can only be assigned to the project ...
  61. Invalid resource assignment.}Only budget resources can be assigned to the project summary task. To create a budget resource, ...
  62. Invalid resource value. This is not a valid work value or it is outside the range for this column. For Work resources, type ...
  63. Invalid resource value. This is not a valid work value or it is outside the range for this column. For Work resources, type ...
  64. Invalid resource value.}This is not a valid work value or it is outside the range for this column. For Work resources, type ...
  65. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare a date field against a user supplied value. ...
  66. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare a decimal field against a user supplied value. ...
  67. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare an int or bool field against a user supplied ...
  68. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare an text field against a user supplied value. ...
  69. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare two fields but RULE_FIELD1_UID is either NULL ...
  70. Invalid rule in database. The rule type suggests that the rule should compare two fields but the RULE_VALTYPE field is NULL. ...
  71. Invalid Shortcut key format: you have specified an invalid modifier. Click Help for a list of valid modifiers and try again. ...
  72. Invalid slug header for BLOBs. Slug headers must be server- or web-relative URL of the file. Server-relative URLs begins ...
  73. Invalid solution configuration file. AssociatonNavigator '{0}' does not exist in Entity(External Content Type) '{1}' in Namespace ...
  74. Invalid solution configuration file. The OfficeItemProperty '{0}' of item type '{1}' is using incorrect property type '{2}' ...
  75. Invalid solution configuration file. The Outlook property '{0}' cannot be mapped to field '{1}', because the NullEquivalentValueInForms ...