Office System 2010

  1. If you select an existing IIS web site, that web site must exist on all servers in the farm and have the same name, or this ...
  2. If you select shapes by using a selection net(dragging a box around shapes on the drawing page), you can change the selection ...
  3. If you selected the MsMQueue Enabled check box, you must enter a name for the Microsoft Message Queuing queue in the MsmQueue ...
  4. If you selected Undo Synchronize after changing an automatically synchronized object, the object might contain inconsistent ...
  5. If you specify a static IP address for this device, all of your devices must use a static IP address. Please change the Network ...
  6. If you specify the {0} parameter when using the {1} command you must also specify at least one one of the following parameters:{2} ...
  7. If you specify the {0} parameter when using the {1} command, you must also specify at least one of the following parameters:{2} ...
  8. If you specify the {0} parameter you must also specify the {1} parameter and the {2} parameter when using the {3} command. ...
  9. If you start over, you will lose the current form data and start to fill out a new copy of the form. Are you sure you want ...
  10. If you stop a crawl, the next crawl on this content source will be a full crawl. Are you sure you want to stop the crawl? ...
  11. If you stop allowing domain members to migrate to new domains you will prevent new members from being migrated to new domains ...
  12. If you think you have received the wrong type of software, contact your retailer. If your software came pre-installed on ...
  13. If you think you have received the wrong type of software, please contact your retailer. If your software came pre-installed ...
  14. If you trust the source of this document, you can enable automatic refresh. If you disable automatic refresh, you can manually ...
  15. If you trust the source of this workbook, you can enable automatic query refresh. If you disable automatic query refresh, ...
  16. If you turn off the Accept Labels In Formulas option, (!idspnExcel_NV) replaces any labels you used in formulas with cell ...
  17. If you uninstall the Search service, this server will no longer accept search queries and all content index files will be ...
  18. If you use ; , ; , ; or ; , ensure that the important information conveyed by these is readable using assistive devices. ...
  19. If you use a digital ID from a Microsoft partner, other people will be able to verify the authenticity of your signature. ...
  20. If you use ASCII art, be sure to include alternate equivalent text, using with the "title" attribute. Also provide a link ...
  21. If you use electronic forms that are designed to be used online, ensure that they can be completed using assistive devices. ...
  22. If you use Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, when you open an appointment click the Meeting Notes button in the Outlook toolbar. ...
  23. If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you could cause serious problems that require you to reinstall the operating system. ...
  24. If you use Windows Explorer to change the read-only properties of the file, while the file is open in Word, it will not enable ...
  25. If you use Windows Internet Explorer, look for the OneNote button in the toolbar. Select the information you want and click ...
  26. If you view any profile, it will no longer be compatible with Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 or earlier. Do you want to continue? ...
  27. If you want a list to share the same items for all the meetings in a series, change the items into series items. If you don't ...
  28. If you want new Document Sets created from this Content Type to include specific items, upload them here and specify their ...
  29. If you want the PivotTable report or PivotChart report on an existing worksheet, type or select the cell reference for only ...
  30. If you want to be able to have your VBA project work in drawings created in other versions of Visio, select this option so ...
  31. If you want to change your image, click Back to modify any of the previous wizard settings. Or click Cancel to close this ...
  32. If you want to check spelling without checking grammar, clear the Check Grammar With Spelling checkbox on the Spelling Grammar ...
  33. If you want to create a profile with no e-mail accounts, click OK. If you do not want to create a profile at all, click Cancel. ...
  34. If you want to grant folder permissions without giving send-on-behalf-of permissions, close this dialog box, right-click ...
  35. If you want to install 32-bit Office 2010, you must uninstall all 64-bit Office products first, and then run setup.exe in ...
  36. If you want to install 64-bit Office 2010, you must uninstall all 32-bit Office products first, and then run setup.exe in ...
  37. If you want to keep just part of a Web page, such as a single paragraph or article, be sure to first select the part you ...
  38. If you want to open this file, you'll need to clean the file using your own scanning software. Do you want to save the file ...
  39. If you want to open this file, you'll need to clean the file using your own virus scanning software. Do you want to save ...
  40. If you want to paste a link to this section in another location within OneNote 2007, on the Edit menu, point to Copy Hyperlink ...
  41. If you want to print tagged tasks and issues, click the Create Summary Page button at the bottom of the Tagged Notes Summary ...
  42. If you want to remove all customizations from a page (such as changes to Web Part zones or text added to the page) you can ...
  43. If you want to see a list of all users who have participated in activity or have been invited to this workspace, browse to: ...
  44. If you want to track reviewers' changes in ' ', you need to share this workbook, and then reattach it to this message. To ...
  45. If you want to track reviewers' changes in this workbook, you need to make this workbook shared. Do you want to save a shared ...
  46. If you want to view and annotate the contents of a file directly on the page in Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, on the Insert ...
  47. If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost. %General_AppName% will try to ...
  48. If you will be using automatic password reset (default) you will not need this password again. If you plan to use manual ...
  49. If you wish to wait until all sessions of the form template have completed before upgrading, navigate to Manage Form Templates, ...
  50. If you would like the system to analyze your current distribution and make recommendations for redistribution, click here ...
  51. If you would like to find out about resellers in your area, click here to connect to the ^WAC_PRODUCT_NAME_FULL^ web site: ...
  52. If you're not ready to share your changes, you can save to the server without publishing so that only you can see the changes ...
  53. If you're taking the files to a commercial printing service, the wizard can also create links for graphics you've embedded. ...
  54. If you're trying to add a calculated item, you cannot do so because a field has been used more than once, either in the data ...
  55. If you've already inserted merge fields into this publication, some of them may not be able to merge information from the ...
  56. If you, or someone you know, are very knowledgeable about software, examine the file header in a text editor to determine ...
  57. If your activities revolve around a project, a topic, or a class, create a section for each of these items in your notebook. ...
  58. If your CD/DVD contains software, you may want to provide installation instructions, system requirements, or product support ...
  59. If your database is protected with a password, the new back-end database will be created without a password and will be accessible ...
  60. If your daylight savings rules have changed for your time zone, use this tool to update appointments, meetings, and reminders ...
  61. If your display or Help are not available in your default language, they will appear in another language based on the order ...
  62. If your document uses more than one language, try selecting a Unicode encoding standard. If a Unicode encoding standard is ...
  63. If your intention is to create or replace a table, click Yes . To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click the ...
  64. If your intention is to perform a bulk append operation, click Yes . To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click ...
  65. If your intention is to perform a bulk delete operation, click Yes . To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click ...
  66. If your intention is to perform a bulk update operation, click Yes . To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click ...
  67. If your network permissions are insufficient for access to a TEMP folder on a server share, contact the administrator and ...
  68. If your organization's policy allows this repository to store held content, you can keep the relevant content in place. Otherwise, ...
  69. If your paper uses notes that you created elsewhere in OneNote or another file, you can link to that information. To do this, ...
  70. If your server is behind a proxy server or firewall, you may need to specify some additional settings to enable the online ...
  71. If your table contains the Start field, Start1 and Start2, for example, are needed for the two versions. The difference between ...
  72. If your Web site is using any FrontPage Web Components, such as Navigation Bars or Include Pages, they will stop being updated. ...
  73. If your Windows Live ID is not registered for Office Online, you are automatically redirected to the Office Online registration ...
  74. Ignore this filter if a specific value is specified to avoid limiting results in unintended ways for Read Item operations ...
  75. Ignoring Entity (External Content Type) with Namespace '{0}', Name '{1}', Version '{2}' in LobSystem (External System) '{3}', ...