Invalid file name. The file name you specified could not be used. It may be the name of an existing file or directory, or you may not have permission to access the file.
Invalid duration.}This is not a valid duration, or it is outside the range for this field. Type a duration in the correct ...
Invalid duration.}This is not a valid duration, or it is outside the range for this field. Type in a numeric duration value ...
Invalid Entry. The number of alerts a user can create must be between 1 and 2000000000. Enter a number in the valid range. ...
Invalid Feature Path {0}. The Path is either the name of the feature (feature folder), or the file name of the feature (full ...
Invalid file name. The file name you specified could not be used. It may be the name of an existing file or directory, or ...
Invalid Filter name '|0' specified for Finder '|1' in EntityNamespace '|2', Entity '|3'. The filter must be a Wildcard, Comparison, ...
Invalid folder name. You cannot create a folder name that ends with a suffix used to organize supporting files. Enter a different ...
Invalid item in hierarchy. Attempted to add item "|0" of type " |1" at the top level of the "|2" Help Library. Only items ...
Invalid item in hierarchy. Attempted to add item "|0" of type "|1" at a level below the top level of the "|2" Help Library. ...