Office 365

  1. Sorry, service requests are not available in %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. Please search below to find solutions to your issues. ...
  2. Sorry, something happened while we were troubleshooting your problem, and we can't continue. We've notified our engineers ...
  3. Sorry, something went wrong and we can\'t delete this post. Try again. If you keep getting this error message, contact your ...
  4. Sorry, something went wrong and we can\'t open the post for editing. Try again. If you keep getting this error message, contact ...
  5. Sorry, something went wrong and we couldn t check whether you have a CRM Online or %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% license in Office ...
  6. Sorry, that did not work. The image must be 200 x 30 pixels in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, and smaller than 10 KB. Please try ...
  7. Sorry, that didn't work. If you tried to upload an image, make sure it isn't too big. The image must be 250 x 30 pixels in ...
  8. Sorry, that didn't work. The image must be 1366 x 50 pixels or less in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, and no larger than 15 KB. ...
  9. Sorry, that display name won't work. Display names can't contain certain words like Admin or Administrator, symbols or special ...
  10. Sorry, that email address won't work. Email addresses can't contain certain symbols or special characters like !, #, or +, ...
  11. Sorry, that means we're not available there yet. If you select another country or region, it won't work. Learn about other ...
  12. Sorry, that number isn't valid. Make sure to use numbers only and don't use any special characters like parentheses ( ( ), ...
  13. Sorry, that number isn't valid. Type a 10-digit phone number using numbers only and don't use any special characters like ...
  14. Sorry, there is currently no record of your message in Office 365. Check with the sender of the message if you can. Please ...
  15. Sorry, there were some problems when we upgraded your services. For more information, go to %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% service ...
  16. Sorry, this is an analyzer which should only be run from HRC cloud. If you are seeing this message the Analyzer is getting ...
  17. Sorry, this is an invalid product key. Try entering it again. If your product key is for %BRAND_O365_PERSONAL% or %BRAND_O365_HOME%, ...
  18. Sorry, we are having trouble validating your Partner membership or program eligibility in relation to delegated admin privileges. ...
  19. Sorry, we are having trouble validating your Partner membership or program eligibility in relation to delegated admin privileges. ...
  20. Sorry, we are having trouble validating your Partner membership or program eligibility in relation to purchase offers. Please ...
  21. Sorry, we can only uninstall Office 2013 and 2016. You're running an earlier version of Office, so you'll have to uninstall ...
  22. Sorry, we can't get service health status right now. Please refresh the page to try again. You can also check the Office ...
  23. Sorry, we can't load your release preferences. Try again. If that doesn't help, check to be sure you have a valid Office ...
  24. Sorry, we can't process your order. To complete the process, sign in to your new Office 365 account, click Licenses , and ...
  25. Sorry, we can't retrieve the calendar settings for this meeting item. Wait a few minutes and try again. If that doesn't work, ...
  26. Sorry, we can't retrieve your conference room settings. Wait a few minutes and try again, or contact your Office 365 admin ...
  27. Sorry, we could not verify the TXT record was added. If you recently updated the TXT record, click "I've added TXT record" ...
  28. Sorry, we couldn't find your message. Check your Outbox folder and Drafts folder to see if the message is still there. If ...
  29. Sorry, we couldn't find your message. Unfortunately, the checks are only able to detect problems with messages that were ...
  30. Sorry, we couldn't identify your shared mailbox. Please enter the SMTP address of the shared mailbox in this format: [email protected] ...
  31. Sorry, we couldn't set up %BRAND_LYNC_ONLINE_SHORT% right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact Support. ...
  32. Sorry, we couldn't set up Exchange Online Protection right now. Please try again later. If the problem persists, contact ...
  33. Sorry, we couldn't validate your Enterprise Agreement information. Please retype your public customer number and enrollment ...
  34. Sorry, we don't currently support your browser. Try using Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer (9 or later), Chrome, or Firefox. ...
  35. Sorry, we were unable to add members to the shared mailbox {0}. Maybe try again? If the problem persists, click here to go ...
  36. Sorry, we were unable to create the shared mailbox. Maybe try again? If the problem persists, cancel and try again later. ...
  37. Sorry, we're having trouble getting you set up. Please contact your admin or %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% Support with this information: ...
  38. Sorry, you are not eligible for this feature with your current partnership agreement. Please go to the {1} if you are interested ...
  39. Sorry, you can't add {0} because the parent domain {1} previously added to your account is not verified yet. You will need ...
  40. Sorry, you can't add {0} because the subdomain {1} previously added to your account is not verified yet. You will need to ...
  41. Sorry, you can't add {0} here because it's already in use. If you own the {0} domain and want to manage it, you have a couple ...
  42. Sorry, you can't add {0} here because it's already in use. If you own the {0} domain and want to manage it, you have a couple ...
  43. Sorry, you can't change your password here. Follow the steps recommended by your organization or ask your admin for help. ...
  44. Sorry, you can't remove users to lower your monthly payments until it's time to renew your annual commitment. Your renewal ...
  45. Sorry, you have to be a global admin to run these checks. See another global admin in your organization to have this role ...
  46. Sorry, your account isn't enabled for Connections. This means either your Office 365 admin hasn't turned it on for you or ...
  47. Sorry, your account isn\'t enabled for Connections. This means either your Office 365 admin hasn\'t turned it on for you ...
  48. Sorry, your organization has reached the quota limit for user purchased subscriptions. Please contact your admin to obtain ...
  49. Sorry, your school isn't on our list of eligible institutions. Check back soon. The list is growing every day. And just in ...
  50. Sorry, your {0} was previously extended and we are unable to extend it again. Learn more about converting your trial subscription ...
  51. Source email systems such as a Dovecot IMAP server that support Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), use the ...
  52. Source Forest. This read-only field displays the on-premises organization on which the mailboxes that you are moving reside. ...
  53. Specified Office platform 32-bit is inappropriate as your PC already has 64-bit Office apps installed. Please re-run the ...
  54. Specified Office platform 64-bit is inappropriate as your PC already has 32-bit Office apps installed. Please re-run the ...
  55. Specified Office platform 64-bit is inappropriate as your PC has 32-bit Windows. Please re-run the Office 2016 installer ...
  56. Specified Office platform 64-bit is inappropriate as your PC has 32-bit Windows. Please re-run the Skype for business 2016 ...
  57. Specified Skype for business 2016 platform 32-bit is inappropriate as your PC already has 64-bit Office apps installed. Please ...
  58. Specified Skype for business 2016 platform 64-bit is inappropriate as your PC already has 32-bit Office apps installed. Please ...
  59. Specifies whether a user must change the password the first time they sign in to their new %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% mailbox. ...
  60. Specify a friendly name for this %BRAND_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_SHORT% forest. Type the name of the %BRAND_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_SHORT% ...
  61. Specify text that will be read to the caller. For example, if you enter \"Urgent Matters,\" the voice mail system will say ...
  62. Specify the FQDN or URL of the server running the Remote PowerShell instance. Select %BRAND_EXCHANGE_ONLINE_SHORT% Online ...
  63. SPFileContainer and SPManifestContainer cannot be the same. Please upload files and manifest into two separate containers ...
  64. SQL Server database %BRAND_AAD_CONNECT_SHORT% requires a SQL Server database to store identity data. By default, a SQL Server ...
  65. SSL is configured at the IIS root directory of the Client Access server '{0}'. This configuration will break HTTP redirection ...
  66. SSL is not enabled in your project. SSL is required for adding Single Sign-on. Clicking 'Finish' will automatically enable ...
  67. Start migrating smaller batches of data using our online Admin Portal Migration tools for Gmail, IMAP/Hosted Exchange, Exchange ...
  68. Start/end date should be in valid format and the start date is earlier than end date. The Start/end date also need to be ...
  69. Stay connected and productive with a clear, unified view of your email, calendar, contacts, and files, on all your devices. ...
  70. Stay productive when you\'re not connected to the Internet. With offline access, you can read and reply to email, see your ...
  71. Step 1: Delisting request of IP address {0} was previously received and is being processed. This may take up to 30 minutes ...
  72. Step 1: Invalid email address or IP address. Please provide your email address and the IP address you want to delist so that ...
  73. Step 2: An email with instructions has been sent to {0} . Check your Inbox and your junk folder for the email. If you don't ...
  74. stopped responding or crashed due to a problem with this software file: {0}. Make sure you've installed the latest updates ...
  75. Storage quotas aren't implemented for mailbox database '{1}' on server '{0}'. Implementing quotas can improve database management ...