Office Communicator 2007
- This feature frees up 1 on your hard drive. It has 2 of 3 subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up 4 on your hard drive. ...
- This feature frees up 1 on your hard drive. It has 2 of 3 subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require 4 on your hard drive. ...
- This feature requires 1 on your hard drive. It has 2 of 3 subfeatures selected. The subfeatures free up 4 on your hard drive. ...
- This feature requires 1 on your hard drive. It has 2 of 3 subfeatures selected. The subfeatures require 4 on your hard drive. ...
- This function is not available for this platform. It is only available on Windows 2000 and Windows XP with Window Installer ...
- This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that ...
- This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer ...
- This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and is accessible, or contact the application ...
- This installation was interrupted. No changes were made to your computer system. Please try running this installation again. ...
- This instant message conversation contains characters in Unicode format that will be lost if you save this file as a text ...
- This is a continued conversation. %1 to try locating the item used to start this conversation in your Outlook mailbox. This ...
- This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for internet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients. ...
- This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for internet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients." ...
- This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for intranet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients. ...
- This is the web service URL for distribution group expansion for intranet connected Microsoft Office Communicator clients." ...
- This message was not delivered to %1 because the address is outside of your organization and is not federated with your company, ...
- This message was not delivered to %1 because the conversation is already in progress. Check your open conversations, or try ...
- This message was not delivered to %1 because the message contents are restricted by policy. Contact your system administrator ...
- This message was not delivered to %1, possibly because it contains a hyperlink or other content that the system administrator ...
- This operation could not be completed because you are not signed in to Communicator. Sign in to Communicator and try again. ...
- This patch package cannot be processed by the Windows Installer service. You must install a Windows service pack that contains ...
- This patch package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer patch ...
- This patch package could not be opened. Verify that the patch package exists and is accessible, or contact the application ...
- This phone number is referenced by a call forwarding rule. The forwarding rule will be turned off when you save these Options ...
- This policy allows the administrator to configure the initial text that appears in the instant messaging area when a conversation ...
- This policy allows the administrator to configure the initial text that appears in the instant messaging area when a conversation ...
- This policy controls the ability to send or receive unencrypted file through File Transfer. If you enable this policy, you ...
- This policy controls the ability to send or receive unencrypted file through File Transfer. If you enable this policy, you ...
- This policy defines the behavior of the Microsoft Office Communicator Tour. Whether it's enabled or not, whether it should ...
- This policy defines the behavior of the Microsoft Office Communicator Tour. Whether it's enabled or not, whether it should ...
- This policy governs how Microsoft Office Communicator showes emoticons in Instant Messages. If you enable this policy setting, ...
- This policy governs how Microsoft Office Communicator showes emoticons in Instant Messages. If you enable this policy setting, ...
- This policy is a flag used by Microsoft Office Communicator to detect whether voicemail is configured for a user. It is required ...
- This policy is a flag used by Microsoft Office Communicator to detect whether voicemail is configured for a user. It is required ...
- This policy is used to extend the Help Menu in Microsoft Office Communicator. An administrator can specify a help web site ...
- This policy is used to extend the Help Menu in Microsoft Office Communicator. An administrator can specify a help web site ...
- This policy prevents federated contacts from inviting users to conversations unless they have an ALLOW ACL from the user. ...
- This policy prevents federated contacts from inviting users to conversations unless they have an ALLOW ACL from the user. ...
- This policy provides a location on the Live Communication Server 2005 Address Book Service files for internet connected Microsoft ...
- This policy provides a location on the Live Communication Server 2005 Address Book Service files for internet connected Microsoft ...
- This policy provides a location on the Live Communication Server 2005 Address Book Service files for intranet connected Microsoft ...
- This policy provides a location on the Live Communication Server 2005 Address Book Service files for intranet connected Microsoft ...
- This policy specifies the location of the XML file Microsoft Office Communicator should use to display tabs. For each tab, ...
- This policy specifies the location of the XML file Microsoft Office Communicator should use to display tabs. For each tab, ...
- This policy specifies the use of a handset on a user's machine when it is locked. By default, the handset on a locked machine ...
- This policy specifies the use of a handset on a user's machine when it is locked. By default, the handset on a locked machine ...
- This policy will contain the line information for UC phone. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the line information for UC phone. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the location of MRAS Server on the client. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the location of MRAS Server on the client. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the URI of the custom voicemail server. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the URI of the custom voicemail server. If this policy is enabled, it will override the corresponding ...
- This policy will contain the user's default location context so that the user need not select the location context manually. ...
- This policy will contain the user's default location context so that the user need not select the location context manually. ...
- To avoid restarting your computer, close the following applications before continuing Setup. If you cannot close all applications, ...
- To correct this problem you may need to provide an area code, a number to access an outside phone line, or a number to dial ...
- To enter or edit your phone numbers, click the related button. To share the number with others, select the adjacent check ...
- To install ProductName], this computer must be running Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 or later, Windows 2000 Service ...
- To install ProductName], your computer must be running Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Server 2003 or newer ...
- To preserve formatting and ink messages, your conversation will be saved in Rich Text Format. You can change the file format ...
- Turn on tracing for communicator, primarily for use to assist customer problem solving. If this policy is not configured, ...
- Turn on tracing for communicator, primarily for use to assist customer problem solving. If this policy is not configured, ...
- Type the phone number below. For international numbers, include all necessary country and region codes. For details and examples, ...
- Type the remote call control URI and phone URI below. If you do not have this information, contact your system administrator. ...
- Unable to establish a network connection. Make sure you are connected to the network, and try again. If the problem continues, ...
- Unable to update presence information for some contacts in Communicator . If this problem persists, please contact your system ...
- Use of the distribution group service is restricted and requires specific permissions. Contact your system administrator ...
- User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they ...
- User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they ...
- User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they ...
- User '[2]' has previously initiated an install for product '[3]'. That user will need to run that install again before they ...
- WARNING: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized duplication or distribution ...
- Warning: This computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution ...
- was unable to authenticate because an authenticating authority was not reachable. Resolution: The server may be asking for ...
- was unable to authenticate to the server %2 due to following error: 3. Resolution: Please check that the password is correct ...