SQL Server 2008
- Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
- Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
- Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
- Finnish-Swedish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
- Finnish-Swedish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
- Fires after the chart element background was drawn. This event is fired for elements like: ChartPicture, ChartArea and Legend. ...
- Fires when chart element background must be drawn. This event is fired for elements like: ChartPicture, ChartArea and Legend. ...
- Fires when chart element background must be drawn. This event is fired for elements such as ChartPicture, ChartArea, and ...
- Fixed percentage or number of rows are selected as part of the sample. {0} The selected rows are copied into a new spreadsheet ...
- Fi[le filespec Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. The filespec argument specifies the path ...
- Flat File Connection Manager Editor can suggest the data type of columns. You can specify the sample size to use, the data ...
- Floating precision number data with the following valid values: -1.79E + 308 through -2.23E - 308, 0 and 2.23E + 308 through ...
- Floating precision number data with the following valid values: -3.40E + 38 through -1.18E - 38, 0 and 1.18E - 38 through ...
- Folder {0} exists in destination SQL Server and since overwrite option is not set for database ignoring transfer of database ...
- Follow the steps to complete the join statement that defines the relationship between rows in the filtered and joined tables. ...
- For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the .NET Assembly name should be the name of a valid assembly in '%1!s!' that ...
- For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_info must contain the class name in '%1!s!' that implements the ...
- For a heterogeneous publisher, -PublisherDB on the distribution agent command line must be set to the publisher's distribution ...
- For a local file, verify that the path and file name are correct. For a remote file, verify that the URL is correct and you ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the model folder, for example /Models. For a report server running ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report folder, for example /Reports. For a report server running ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report folder, for example /Reports. For a report server running ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report server where the project is deployed, for example http://servername/reportserver. ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report server where the project is deployed, for example http://servername/reportserver. ...
- For a report server running in native mode, the path to the shared data sources folder, for example /Data Sources. For a ...
- For actions which target a login (for instance, adding a new login), the security identification number (SID) of the targeted ...
- For backward compatibility, sp_addpublisher can be used to add a Publisher for this Distributor. However, sp_adddistpublisher ...
- For best results, set the performance gain value to 100% when doing usage-based optimization unless disk space or processing ...
- For DROP STATISTICS, you must provide both the object (table or view) name and the statistics name, in the form "objectname.statisticsname". ...
- For each OLAP mining structure column there must be an enabled attribute hierarchy. The '%{structureCol/}' OLAP mining structure ...
- For example, if the Orders table at a Subscriber should contain only orders for one sales representative, enter: salesrep ...
- For example, the Customers table has been filtered so that Subscribers receive only French customers (with the filter: country ...
- For faster performance, use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server or the SQL Server Native Client provider to connect ...
- For operands of a binary operation, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression ...
- For operands of binary operation, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A DT_STR ...
- For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A ...
- For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The ...
- For proper handling of default values and parameter names in calls SSMA must have information about procedure or function ...
- For SQL Server accounts in the same domain or trusted domains, specify the service accounts below. If the accounts are non-domain ...
- For stored procedure articles, the @property parameter value must be 'description', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', ...
- For the %1!s! with external data type %2!s!, the XML schema specified a maxLength constraint of %3!d!, which exceeds the ...
- For the Cache connection manager, select an existing connection manager from the list, or create a new connection by clicking ...
- For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a non-null value in the Key Time ...
- For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a unique value in the Key Time ...
- For the wizard to configure the SQL Server Agent service, the SQL Server service account must have administrator permissions ...
- FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%1!s!' to create a URL address for it. Remove the column, ...
- FOR XML AUTO requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. ...
- FOR XML AUTO requires primary keys to create references for '%1!s!'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain ...
- FOR XML could not serialize the data for node '%1!s!' because it contains a character ( 2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%1!s!'. Remove the column, ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%1'. Remove the column, ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and/or NMTOKENS in column name '%1!s!'. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT queries allow only one XMLTEXT column per tag. Column '%1!s!' declares another XMLTEXT column that is not ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%1!s!'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!. format where TAGID ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%1'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!. format where TAGID is ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT requires at least three columns, including the tag column, the parent column, and at least one data column. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT requires attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field '%1!s!' to precede element-centric IDREFS/NMTOKEN fields. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT: ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be generated as CDATA, XML or XMLTEXT in '%1'. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT: XML data type cannot be processed as CDATA in column name '%1'. Consider converting XML to a string type. ...
- FOR XML EXPLICIT: XML data types and CLR types cannot be processed as CDATA in column name '%1!s!'. Consider converting XML ...
- FOR XML NESTED requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. ...
- FOR XML NESTED requires primary keys to create references for '%1'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain binary ...
- Forces the algorithm to use the indicated columns as regressors in the regression formula regardless of their importance ...
- Forcing re-initialization for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!', the clustered index on indexed view '%3!s!' may have ...
- Forecasting Error The degree of the polynomial must be between 1 and 5: (1) Constant, (2) Linear Regression, (3 - 5) Multiple ...
- Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION and CASCADE referential delete actions are allowed for referencing computed ...
- Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION referential update action is allowed for referencing computed column ...
- Format "%1!s!" is not supported by Flat File Connection Manager. Supported formats are Delimited, FixedWidth, RaggedRight, ...
- Forwarded row mismatch: Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!) page %5!s!, slot %6!s! points ...
- Forwarded row referenced by more than one row. Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!), page ...
- French, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
- freq_interval must be between 1 and 10 (1 = Sunday . 7 = Saturday, 8 = Day, 9 = Weekday, 10 = Weekend-day) for a monthly-relative ...
- FR[ename {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;OldFolderName;NewFolderName Operation. Rename the specified folder on SSIS or SQL Server. ...
- Full Crawl must be executed on table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Columns affecting the index have been added or dropped since ...
- Full-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') is low on disk space. Pausing all populations in progress ...