SQL Server 2008

  1. Failed to check for XML signature envelope in package XML with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs in CPackage::LoadFromXML. ...
  2. Failed to cleanup the cdc.lsn_time_mapping table in database '%1!s!' when the last database table enabled for Change Data ...
  3. Failed to configure resource governor during startup. Check SQL Server error log for specific error messages or check the ...
  4. Failed to connect by using the specified user name and password. Verify that the user name and password are valid, and that ...
  5. Failed to connect to analysis services server database using the '{0}' connection manager. Check that the connection manager ...
  6. Failed to connect to the SQL Server Analysis Services database using the connection manager "{0}". Verify that the connection ...
  7. Failed to convert a type in the configuration "%1!s!" for the package path "%2!s!". This happens when a configuration value ...
  8. Failed to create an IDataAdapter object. This provider may not be fully supported with the Execute SQL Task. Error message ...
  9. Failed to create certificate context (error: %1!s!). This occurs in CPackage::put_CertificateObject or CPackage::LoadFromXML ...
  10. Failed to decrypt a package that is encrypted with a user key. You may not be the user who encrypted this package, or you ...
  11. Failed to decrypt an encrypted XML node because the password was not specified or not correct. Package load will attempt ...
  12. Failed to decrypt protected connection string for server "%1!s!" with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". You may not be authorized to ...
  13. Failed to decrypt protected XML node "%1!s!" with error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". You may not be authorized to access this information. ...
  14. Failed to decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or is inaccessible because of improper service ...
  15. Failed to decrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key does not match or is inaccessible because of improper service ...
  16. Failed to delete rows from the systranschemas table. HRESULT = ' 1!s!'. The rows will be deleted the next time replication ...
  17. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while composing the Service Principal Name (SPN). This ...
  18. Failed to determine the fully qualified domain name of the computer while initializing SSL support. This might indicate a ...
  19. Failed to encrypt or decrypt sensitive data in the '%{strRef/}' database because the encryption key is unavailable. One possible ...
  20. Failed to encrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key is inaccessible because of improper service account change. ...
  21. Failed to encrypt sensitive data. Possibly the encryption key is inaccessible because of improper service account change. ...
  22. Failed to establish an ODBC connection with the database server. Verify that the Teradata ODBC Driver for Windows x64 is ...
  23. Failed to establish an ODBC connection with the database server. Verify that the Teradata ODBC Driver for Windows x86 is ...
  24. Failed to evaluate the filter procedure or computed column. Cannot find the column offset information for column ID %1!s!, ...
  25. Failed to execute MDX. You can *$*invoke error message box*$* for more information. *$*Click here*$* to hide this message. ...
  26. Failed to execute the HREPL.%1!s! request to Oracle Publisher '%2!s!'. Verify that the Oracle package code exists on the ...
  27. Failed to find package object in signed XML envelope with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when signed XML does not contain ...
  28. Failed to find the name of the SQL Server Failover Cluster. Please ensure that the name you provided is correct, or try again ...
  29. Failed to format string for error %1!s!, language id %2!s!. This may be caused by low memory in server, or error happening ...
  30. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in copying database files. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...
  31. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in creating user instance event. The connection will be ...
  32. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in generating a unique user instance name. The connection ...
  33. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in impersonating the client. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...
  34. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in making a connection to the user instance. The connection ...
  35. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in obtaining the user instance's process information. The ...
  36. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in persisting the user instance information into system ...
  37. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in reading registry keys. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...
  38. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection ...
  39. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in updating security descriptor on the process of the user ...
  40. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please ...
  41. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only an integrated connection can generate a user instance. The connection ...
  42. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only local user accounts, interactive users accounts, service accounts, ...
  43. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only members of Builtin\Users can generate a user instance. The connection ...
  44. Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server. Only the SQL Server Express version lets you generate a user instance. ...
  45. Failed to get a package log id for package: %s, previous messages should explain the reason for the failure. The package ...
  46. Failed to get ConnectionInfos collection with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This error occurs when the call to IDTSApplication100::get_ConnectionInfos ...
  47. Failed to get pipeline interface for '%1!s!', resulting in error: 2!s!. There is a problem communicating with the host controller ...
  48. Failed to get properties of external columns. The table name you entered may not exist, or you do not have SELECT permission ...
  49. Failed to initialize data mining query builder from previously saved state. Verify the saved state is correct and the mining ...
  50. Failed to initialize Distributed COM (CoInitializeEx returned %1!s!). Heterogeneous queries and remote procedure calls are ...
  51. Failed to initialize distributed COM; DCOM is not installed. Heterogeneous queries and remote procedure calls are disabled. ...
  52. Failed to initialize SQLSQM timer. One of the following can be the source of the problem: registry doesn't contain all necessary ...
  53. Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! due to memory pressure. This is probably due to memory pressure ...
  54. Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! with HRESULT 2!s!. You may fix the problem and try again later. ...
  55. Failed to initialize the Common Language Runtime (CLR) %1!s! with HRESULT 2!s!. You need to restart SQL Server to use CLR ...
  56. Failed to Initiate Search for MSMQs. Please verify that the queue reader agent is running under an user account that has ...
  57. Failed to insert rows into Change Data Capture change tables. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify ...
  58. Failed to instantiate a class object from MSXML4.DLL. The correct version of this DLL is missing or not registered properly ...
  59. Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configuration entries for "%1!s!" and previous ...
  60. Failed to load cryptographic provider '%1!s!' due to an invalid Authenticode signature or invalid file path. Check previous ...
  61. Failed to load format string for error %1!s!, language id %2!s!. Operating system error: %3!s!. Check that the resource file ...
  62. Failed to load server config file: setting %1 containing value=%2 is incorrect. Use msmdsrv.bak to restore msmdsrv.ini.%0 ...
  63. Failed to load server plug-in extension defined in assembly %1. The following error(s) have been raised during the plug-in ...
  64. Failed to load the engine script metadata from script DLL '%1!s!'. The error code reported by Windows was %2!s!. This is ...
  65. Failed to load XML due to error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded ...
  66. Failed to load XML from package file "%1!s!" due to error 2!8.8X! "%3!s!". This happens when loading a package and the file ...
  67. Failed to locate DataType property in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  68. Failed to locate DTSID property in the parent XML node of node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  69. Failed to locate MappedProperty node in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  70. Failed to locate PACKAGEPATH attribute in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  71. Failed to locate PROPERTY attribute in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  72. Failed to locate ValueIndex property in the XML node "{0}". The package file may be corrupt. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
  73. Failed to lock the current log record at log sequence number (LSN) {%1!s!:%2!s!:%3!s!}. Contact Customer Support Services. ...
  74. Failed to obtain cryptographic key pair associated with the specified certificate with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". Verify that ...
  75. Failed to obtain XML source from XML DOM object with error 1!8.8X! "%2!s!". This occurs when IXMLDOMDocument::get_xml fails. ...