SQL Server 2016

  1. The type '{0}' is not marked with serialization attribute 'DatastoreSerializationAttribute'. Serialization and de-serialization ...
  2. The type '{0}' is not marked with serialization attribute 'DatastoreSerializationAttribute'. The path of the root document ...
  3. The type '{0}' of the member '{1}' in the conceptual side type '{2}' does not match with the type '{3}' of the member '{4}' ...
  4. The type '{0}' that is being loaded conflicts with the type '{1}' that is already loaded because they have the same namespace ...
  5. The type '{0}'('{1}') of the member '{2}' in the conceptual type '{3}' doesn't match with the type '{4}'('{5}') of the member ...
  6. The type must be '[indexed view ]logbased[ (manualview|manualfilter|manualboth)]', '[serializable ]proc exec', or '(view|indexed ...
  7. The type of encryption algorithm that is used to encrypt sensitive data. The supported values include: TRIPLE_DES_3KEY, AES_128, ...
  8. The type of fedauth library used by the client if it was a fedauth connection. Value of 0 indicates a non-fedauth connection. ...
  9. The type of the column at index '%ld{col/}' in the DATATABLE function is invalid; valid types include BOOLEAN, DOUBLE, INTEGER, ...
  10. The type of the first argument to NULLIF cannot be the NULL constant because the type of the first argument has to be known. ...
  11. The type of the forwarded message. The message type is defined by using the CREATE MESSAGE TYPE Transact-SQL command when ...
  12. The type of the parameter "{0}" is "{3}", but the type of the environment variable "{2}" in environment "{1}" is "{4}". Change ...
  13. The type of the parameter "{0}" is "{3}", but the type of the environment variable "{2}" in environment "{1}" is "{4}". Change ...
  14. The type of the property "{0}" of connection manager "{1}" is "{4}", but the type of the environment variable "{3}" in environment ...
  15. The type of the property "{0}" of connection manager "{1}" is "{4}", but the type of the environment variable "{3}" in environment ...
  16. The type of the TypeUsage object specified for the metadata parameter is not compatible with the type to which an EdmMember ...
  17. The type of the value (%2!s!) being assigned to variable "%1!s!" differs from the current variable type (%3!s!). Variables ...
  18. The type or XML schema collection referenced as '%1!s!' resolves differently in the target metadata collation '%2!s!' than ...
  19. The Type property for the dimension attributes must be set to a time type. The list of available time calculations from which ...
  20. The type {0} provided for the non-static CreateCustomModifiers delegate method could not be used as a modifier source due ...
  21. The type {0} provided for the non-static CreateCustomModifiers delegate method does not have a public default constructor. ...
  22. The types in the assembly '{0}' cannot be loaded because the assembly contains the EdmSchemaAttribute, and the closure of ...
  23. The types of all properties in the Dependent Role of a referential constraint must be the same as the corresponding property ...
  24. The UMDW is the database on the utility control point that contains all data collected from managed instances of SQL Server. ...
  25. The unary operation "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. An internal error occurred, or there is an out-of-memory condition. ...
  26. The unary operator column of the %{property/} attribute is not valid because either the attribute is not a parent attribute ...
  27. The uncompressed size of the file '{0}' has exceeded the size limit of '{1}' bytes imposed by SQL Replication's compression ...
  28. The unique constraint '{0}.{1}.{2}' will not be scripted for article '{3}' because it references the unpublished column '{4}'. ...
  29. The unique index '%1!s!' on source table '%2!s!' is used by Change Data Capture. To alter or drop the index, you must first ...
  30. The unique index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!' is used by Change Data Capture. The constraint using this index cannot be dropped ...
  31. The unique index '%1!s!' on table '%2!s!.%3!s!' is disabled and cannot be used as a unique index by Change Data Capture. ...
  32. The unlocalized user-friendly name of the deprecated feature that triggered the event. The deprecated feature will be removed ...
  33. The unlocalized user-friendly name of the deprecated feature that triggered the event. The deprecated feature will be removed ...
  34. The up to date mining model content cannot be displayed due to failures in project deployment. See the Output window for ...
  35. The update cannot be removed because {0} feature is still installed. Before removing the update the feature must be uninstalled. ...
  36. The update cannot be removed because {0} features are still installed. Before removing the update the features must be uninstalled. ...
  37. The update job for the database mirroring monitor already exists. To change the update period, use sys.sp_dbmmonitorchangemonitoring ...
  38. The update operation cannot be performed, because the adapter's connection is not associated with a valid store connection. ...
  39. The update operation failed because the data source view identifies the column (table '%{table/}', column '%{column/}') as ...
  40. The Update Statistics task ensures the query optimizer has up-to-date information about the distribution of data values in ...
  41. The upgrade actions listed above may result in data loss. Please ensure you have a backup or snapshot available in the event ...
  42. The upgrade cannot continue because the application name in the package file does not match the application name of the deployed ...
  43. The upgrade process for SQL Server failed. To continue the upgrade process, use the following information to resolve the ...
  44. The upgrade process for SQL Server failed. Use the following information to resolve the error, and then repair your installation ...
  45. The upgrade process for SQL Server was canceled. To continue the upgrade process, repair your installation by using the following ...
  46. The upgrade process for SQL Server was canceled. To continue the upgrade process, uninstall SQL Server by using this command ...
  47. The URL %1!s! is not valid. This can happen when a scheme other than http or https is specified, or the URL is in an incorrect ...
  48. The URL provided does not meet specified requirements. The URL must be either resolvable as an absolute or relative URI, ...
  49. The URL provided for the backup is invalid. Verify whether the URL is in standard URL format and the URL scheme is either ...
  50. The URL specified by endpoint '%1!s!' is already registered to receive requests or is reserved for use by another service. ...
  51. The URL specified is not valid. This can happen when the server or proxy URL is null, or in an incorrect format. A valid ...
  52. The usage for the '%{column/}' column of the '%{model/}' mining model must be set to Key, because its source mining structure ...
  53. The Usage Type specified for the input columns to this transform cannot be read/write. Change the Usage Type to be read-only. ...
  54. The USE database statement failed because the database collation %1!s! is not recognized by older client drivers. Try upgrading ...
  55. The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %1!s! option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement. ...
  56. The use of BACKUP commands were detected which are deprecated. BACKUP { DATABASE | LOG } WITH PASSWORD and BACKUP { DATABASE ...
  57. The use of more than two-part column names will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in ...
  58. The use of the file connection manager has changed from specifying file names to specifying folder names. Do you want to ...
  59. The use of the sp_addpublication sync_method's parameters 'database snapshot' and 'database snapshot character' are not supported ...
  60. The use of this file connection manager has changed from specifying folder names to specifying file names. Do you want to ...
  61. The user already exists as a non-administrator. Set the @PromoteNonAdmin parameter to 1 to allow deletion of the existing ...
  62. The user belongs to multiple roles '%1[%{strRole/}%]%[, %{strRole/}%]' that have security filters, which isn't supported ...
  63. The User Data directory in the registry is not valid. Verify DefaultData key under the instance hive points to a valid directory. ...
  64. The user does not have permission to alter the current default stoplist '%1!s!'. To change the default stoplist of the database, ...
  65. The user does not have the permissions required to configure Stretch on the SQL Server Instance. Please cancel the wizard ...
  66. The user instance login flag cannot be used along with an attach database file name. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...
  67. The user instance login flag is not allowed when connecting to a user instance of SQL Server. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...
  68. The user job (%s) has been queued because the maximum number of user working threads (%ld) are already running. This user ...
  69. The User Log directory in the registry is not valid. Verify DefaultLog key under the instance hive points to a valid directory. ...
  70. The user must be an Analysis Services administrator to update the settings. Change the settings manually at the end of the ...
  71. The user running this Setup operation must have sufficient privileges to access registry and service control manager on remote ...
  72. The user transaction that has been started in user defined routine, trigger or aggregate "%1!s!" is not ended upon exiting ...
  73. The user-defined function (UDF) at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/} cannot be used as a data source for the current statement. ...
  74. The user-defined statistic '{0}' will not be scripted for article '{1}' because it references the unpublished column '{2}'. ...
  75. The UseRelationship() and CrossFilter() functions may not be used when querying '%{table1/}' because it is constrained by ...