Note: When you change your domain's name server records to point to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, all of the services ...

Note: When you change your domain's name server records to point to  %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%, all of the services that are currently associated with your domain, such as email, websites, blogs, shopping carts, and so on are affected. If you're already using your domain for any of these services, make sure you take the steps necessary to ensure that this transition does not result in downtime for these services. If you don't take the necessary additional steps, your users may lose their email access and your current website may be inaccessible. For more information, see 
    Hosting your website with another provider.

Edit name server records at your registrar
  1. Sign in to your current domain registrar's Website. If you don't know who your domain name registrar is, see Locate your domain registrar.
  2. Click on the domain you wish to add to %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC%.
  3. Find the section that lists your domain's name server records. The section is typically labeled in one of the following ways.
    • Manage DNS
    • Name servers
    • Advanced DNS
  4. Type the primary and secondary name servers for %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES_DYNAMIC% ({0} and {1}), and then save the new settings.

Note: If you can't change your name server settings using these instructions, contact customer service at your domain name registrar for further assistance.