Visual Studio 2013

  1. APPX3060: App manifest validation failed. Value '{0}' of {1} must be either '100', '120', '140', '150', '160', '180', or ...
  2. APPX3102: You cannot create an app bundle containing more than one package per architecture. Value of AppxBundlePlatforms ...
  3. APPX3103: You cannot create an app bundle which contains a neutral architecture package along with packages for other architectures. ...
  4. APPX3202: File '{0}' does not contain expected information. See ...
  5. APPX3203: Project '{0}' targets {1} but depends upon SDK '{2}' which supports {3}. This is unsupported. Please reference ...
  6. APPX3204: Project '{0}' targets {1} to {2} but depends upon SDK '{3}' which supports {4}. This is unsupported. Please reference ...
  7. APPX3205: Project '{0}' targets {1} but depends upon SDK '{2}' which supports {3} to {4}. This is unsupported. Please reference ...
  8. APPX3206: Project '{0}' targets {1} to {2} but depends upon SDK '{3}' which supports {4} to {5}. This is unsupported. Please ...
  9. APPX3207: App manifest references the {0} image '{1}' which is larger than the maximum image file size. It must be no larger ...
  10. Architectural analysis found internal errors. Results might not be complete. For more information, see the detailed build ...
  11. archiving object file compiled with /ZW into a static library; note that when authoring Windows Runtime types it is not recommended ...
  12. Are you debugging against a SharePoint Online site? Workflow debugging for SharePoint Online requires a Windows Azure Service ...
  13. Are you ready to write some code? Get started by connecting your project directly to {0}, or learn how to connect with {1}, ...
  14. Are you sure that you want to change the SCVMM server name for the Tfs project collection? Currently configured SCVMM server ...
  15. Are you sure that you want to remove '{0}' account? If you do so, then other Application Tiers that use this account as the ...
  16. Are you sure that you want to remove the integration settings? If you remove these settings, team projects and team project ...
  17. Are you sure that you want to remove this Web application from Team Foundation Server? If you do so, any project sites contained ...
  18. Are you sure that you want to update the default column settings? If you choose OK, these settings will be applied to all ...
  19. Are you sure you want to cancel publishing this test run? All data for this run will be removed from the Team Foundation ...
  20. Are you sure you want to delete %s? Please Note: Any project configurations that were created with this solution configuration ...
  21. Are you sure you want to delete everything about build '{0}' including details, files and folder under drop folder, test ...
  22. Are you sure you want to delete the default process template? The next process template in the list will become the default ...
  23. Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)? To add the deleted item(s) back, you will need to run TfsMgmt.exe on ...
  24. Are you sure you want to delete the selected node and all of its child nodes? This area may currently be used to categorize ...
  25. Are you sure you want to delete the selected node and all of its sub nodes? This area may currently be used to categorize ...
  26. Are you sure you want to delete the selected workspaces? All pending changes in the selected workspaces will be lost. This ...
  27. Are you sure you want to delete the suspended work named '{0}' and its backing shelveset '{1}'? This operation is permanent. ...
  28. Are you sure you want to destroy the {0} work item type as well as its {1} work item(s)? This action is not recoverable. ...
  29. Are you sure you want to remove public message queue "{0}" from machine "{1}"? Note: Deleting a public queue can take some ...
  30. Are you sure you want to restore to the previous snapshot? The current state of the environment will be lost. If any tests ...
  31. Are you sure you want to restore to the snapshot '{0}'? The current state of the environment will be lost. If any tests are ...
  32. Argument '%1$d': using a read-only string as a writable string argument. This will attempt to write into static read-only ...
  33. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'EnableCodeCoverage' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe ...
  34. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'InIsolation' command. Specify the command without the argument (Example: vstest.console.exe ...
  35. Argument {0} is not expected in the 'UseVsixExtensions' command. Specify the command indicating whether the vsix extensions ...
  36. Array method '{0}' is supplied by the runtime and cannot be directly used in code. For operations with array elements consider ...
  37. Artifacts associated with this layer must belong to one of the specified namespaces. Use a semicolon to separate multiple ...
  38. Artifacts associated with this layer must not belong to the specified namespaces. Use a semicolon to separate multiple namespaces. ...
  39. Artifacts associated with this layer must not depend on the specified namespaces. Use a semicolon to separate multiple namespaces. ...
  40. As it is declared in your code, parameter {0} of P/Invoke {1} will be {2} bytes wide on {3} platforms. This is not correct, ...
  41. As it is declared in your code, the return type of P/Invoke {0} will be {1} bytes wide on {2} platforms. This is not correct, ...
  42. As part of TFS configuration IIS dynamic compression was enabled to improve performance. This is a system-wide setting for ...
  43. As part of the backup schedule, you can also backup the SQL Server Reporting Services databases. A different server might ...
  44. As part of the backup schedule, you can also specify databases that SharePoint Products use. A different server might host ...
  45. As part of the Visual Studio Experience Improvement Program (VSEIP), we will collect performance, settings, reliability, ...
  46. ASM List Location : Specifies relative path and/or name for ASM listing file; can be file or directory name. (/Fa[name]) ...
  47. ASP debugging is disabled because the ASP process is running as a user that does not have debug permissions. Please see Help ...
  48. ASP.NET debugging is not enabled for this web. You can set 'debug' to True in the web's configuration file to enable debugging. ...
  49. Assemblies should explicitly state their CLS compliance using the CLSCompliant attribute. An assembly without this attribute ...
  50. Assemblies should use version numbers. The version number is considered part of an assembly's identity. Versioning is applied ...
  51. Assemblies that reference System.Windows.Forms should have the STAThreadAttribute. Failure to apply this attribute will most ...
  52. Assembly '{0}' not found in dependency set of target binary. Statically linked roots should be specified using an assembly ...
  53. Assembly '{0}' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference. Also, verify that your project and all ...
  54. Assembly '{0}' was referenced transitively and the assembly could not be resolved automatically. Static linking will assume ...
  55. Assembly '|1' references assembly '|2', which is ambiguous between '|3' (referenced by project '|4') and '|5' (referenced ...
  56. Assembly and module attributes must precede all other elements defined in a file except using clauses and extern alias declarations ...
  57. Assembly keyword Specifies that an attribute at the beginning of a source file applies to the entire assembly. Otherwise ...
  58. Assembly Link Resource : Links a resource file to the output assembly. The resource file is not placed in the output assembly, ...
  59. Assembly metadata will be loaded into the folder path "{0}". Any nonexistent folders in the folder path have been created. ...
  60. Assembly must be specified for XAML files that are not part of a project. Reopen this XAML file after adding it to a project, ...
  61. Assembly {0} has a reference to assembly '{1}'. Because this assembly was introduced in {2}, which is higher than the project's ...
  62. Assembly {0} is marked with an attribute that uses member {1}. Because this member was introduced in {2}, which was not included ...
  63. Assembly {0} is marked with an attribute that uses type {1}. Because this type was introduced in {2}, which was not included ...
  64. Asserting a security permission without performing any security checks can leave an exploitable security weakness in your ...
  65. Assign the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) that will be used by Lab Management and the network location that ...
  66. Assign the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) that will be used by Lab Management. Optionally specify settings for ...
  67. Assigning the "{0}" attribute on an item that has been evaluated is not allowed. This operation is only allowed on the original ...
  68. Assignments for one or more linked child items could not be submitted to Project Server because this item is not yet published ...
  69. Association '{0}' causes Entity Type '{1}' to exist in more than one Cascade Delete Association Paths. Remove the association ...
  70. AssociationReference referring to the Association '{0}' can only be defined in the Entity with Name '{1}' and Namespace '{2}'. ...
  71. AssociationReference referring to the Association '{0}' cannot set Reverse attribute to 'true'. An association can set the ...
  72. Async lambda modifier Defines an asynchronous lambda expression that can use the Await operator. Can be used wherever a delegate ...
  73. Asynchronous Copy Size: {0} Asynchronous Operation Id: {1} Source Accelerator Id: 0x{2:X} Source Accelerator View: 0x{3:X} ...
  74. At least one composable part has a service or project capability requirement but is scoped to an inappropriate catalog. Please ...
  75. At least one error occurred during the successful creation of the label '{0}'. The specific error(s) are displayed in the ...