Visual Studio 2013

  1. An exception handler returned an invalid disposition to the exception dispatcher. Programmers using a high-level language ...
  2. An exception has been encountered. This may be caused by an extension. You can get more information by examining the file ...
  3. An exception occurred in %s of a type that is not present in the minidump you are debugging. To get the type of the exception, ...
  4. An exception occurred when reading a static data file. No script to insert static data will be generated. File path: "{0}". ...
  5. An exception of type {0} was caught when calling IRegisterMetadata on type {1}. Exception Message: {2}. Stack Trace: {3} ...
  6. An exception was encountered in the visualizer.{0}To examine the details, on the command line, run Visual Studio with the ...
  7. An exception was encountered while constructing the content of this frame. This information is also logged in "{0}". Exception ...
  8. An exception was intercepted and the call stack unwound to the point before the call from user code where the exception occurred. ...
  9. An exception was raised loading EngineSettings.xml from the user settings directory. Settings have been lost. A default version ...
  10. An exception was raised loading ProjectDefaults.xml from the user settings directory. Settings have been lost. A default ...
  11. An exception was thrown by the host when trying to get the StandardImports and StandardAssemblyReferences. The transformation ...
  12. An Exception was thrown while trying to get the namespace imports and assembly references for processing the run from a directive ...
  13. An Exception was thrown while trying to get the output from the processor named '{0}'. The transformation will not be run. ...
  14. An existing SharePoint installation was found running on this machine. The Admin Site is located on port {0} and the web ...
  15. An existing web site with the name '{0}' was detected. This site will need to be renamed or removed before configuration ...
  16. An explicit override can only be used for a method that was first introduced in an interface and whose override qualifier ...
  17. An expression of type '%1!ls!' is not allowed in a subsequent from clause in a query expression with source type '%2!ls!'. ...
  18. An HTML error occurred. To view the error page, use the HTML Visualizer in the Autos window. If the error was caused by an ...
  19. An icon is needed for the Visual Studio About box. This icon will automatically be created and added to your project as an ...
  20. An identical version of this application is already published to the server: {0}. Do you want to overwrite the published ...
  21. An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else ...
  22. An if/then/else expression may not be used within queries. Consider using either an if/then expression, or use a sequence ...
  23. An implementation of file or module '{0}' has already been given. Compilation order is significant in F# because of type ...
  24. An improper extension was defined for this TestType ("{1}"). All TestTypes must have a non-null extension that begins with ...
  25. An installation for 2 is currently suspended. You must undo the changes made by that installation to continue. Do you want ...
  26. An installation package for the product 2 cannot be found. Try the installation again using a valid copy of the installation ...
  27. An instance of the remote debugger is already running on this computer, or another process is already bound to the specified ...
  28. An instance of the remote debugger is already running on this computer, or another process is already bound to the specified ...
  29. An instrumented version of the following file cannot be located using the search path: "{0}". Copy the instrumented version ...
  30. An internal class was detected that is apparently never instantiated. This rule does not attempt to detect late-bound creation ...
  31. An internal error has occurred and setup was unable to backup your autologon password. Please double check your autologon ...
  32. An internal error has occurred in the compiler. (compiler file '%s', line %d) To work around this problem, try simplifying ...
  33. An internal error occurred while parsing the migrated project file in order to perform the copy backup. A work around to ...
  34. An InternalLoggerException can only be thrown by the MSBuild engine. The public constructors of this class cannot be used ...
  35. An invalid base class was specified for the Transformation class. The base class must implement the same members as Micr ...
  36. An invalid culture was specified in the 'template' directive. The culture must be in the "xx-XX" format. The invariant culture ...
  37. An invalid debug value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The debug value must be either "true" or "false". The ...
  38. An invalid HostSpecific value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The HostSpecific value must be either "true", ...
  39. An invalid language '{0}' was specified in the 'template' directive. The language must be either "C#" or "VB". The default ...
  40. An invalid linePragmas value '{0}' was specified in the template directive. The value must be either "true" or "false". The ...
  41. An invalid parameter value cannot be bound to an action step for this iteration. {0} You will not be able to play back the ...
  42. An invalid URL was provided for the work item. Correct the URL parameters by providing either Work Item ID (id) or Work Item ...
  43. An invalid visibility '{0}' was specified in the 'template' directive. The visibility must be either 'internal' or 'public'. ...
  44. An issue in the %1 process caused it to fail to activate. This process exited with a native exception. To debug the issue, ...
  45. An issue in the %1 process caused it to fail to activate. This process threw one or more exceptions. Use Debug->Exceptions ...
  46. An item for creating a webpage that is hosted inside an Office 2013 client application. An app for Office provides additional ...
  47. An item referring to the file '{1}' was found in the project file '{0}'. Since this file is located within a system directory, ...
  48. An item template will allow a user to add your item to one of their existing projects. Your template will be available to ...
  49. An object that provides one or more of the following options: - beforeShown: a function that is called after boundary behavior ...
  50. An online license was found for '{0}' but it is not sufficient to run this application. Either update your online license ...
  51. An online license was found for '{0}' but it is not sufficient to run this edition of Visual Studio. Update your online license ...
  52. An unexpected DCOM error occurred while trying to automatically attach to the remote web server. Try manually attaching to ...
  53. An unexpected error has occurred. Please record the following message when seeking support from Microsoft: Source:{0} ErrorCode:{1} ...
  54. An unexpected error occurred while attempting to set the {0} project property. Please ensure the project file is writable ...
  55. An unexpected error occurred while detecting Silverlight installations. Silverlight Runtime version: '{0}', Silverlight Developer ...
  56. An unexpected error occurred while evaluating the Code Analysis check-in policy. The error might be transient. Try again. ...
  57. An unexpected error occurred. Please close this page and re-open it using Load Test Manager, available in the Load Test menu. ...
  58. An unexpected error was encountered in the assembly: {0}. Detailed error: {1} The manual test activity will be closed. Do ...
  59. An unexpected exception occurred building the console node tree and some nodes may not appear as expected. Exception message ...
  60. An unexpected failure occured while upgrading the SCVMM resources. More details: {0} Resolve any errors and try the operation ...
  61. An unexpected start or end tag was found within a block. Make sure that you did not mis-type a start or end tag, and that ...
  62. An unhandled exception was raised from Microsoft .NET Framework v 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0, but the current debugger is configured ...
  63. An unknown error has occurred while attempting to create an Adapter. Please close all instances of Visual Studio and try ...
  64. An unknown error was encountered while trying to reload the document. You should close and reload the document. Error Text: ...
  65. An unsaved document cannot be moved into another project from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved ...
  66. An unspecified failure occurreed while initializing the %s source control provider. You cannot use this provider to perform ...
  67. An update to is required before you can use the Silverlight Designer. To continue editing your XAML files without this update, ...
  68. An x:Class attribute is required to generate an event handler. Modify the root element of the XAML document to include an ...
  69. Analyze data from one or more coverage files and output XML. Usage: analyze options file2 . Options: /include_skipped_functions ...
  70. And keyword Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  71. And operator Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
  72. AndAlso operator Performs a short-circuit logical conjunction on two expressions. Returns True if both operands evaluate ...
  73. Animation {0}, whose target visual is {1}, is CPU-bound because of {2}. Go to the Performance Warnings menu in the navigation ...
  74. Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions inside structs cannot access instance members of 'this'. Consider ...
  75. Anonymous type member property '|1' cannot be used to infer the type of another member property because the type of '|1' ...