Visual Studio 2013

  1. An error occured while adding the database file to the project. Please verify that the file exists, is in a copyable state ...
  2. An error occured while your request was being processed. This may be a transient error and retrying the request may help. ...
  3. An error occurred and the app.manifest file could not be loaded. Please remove any changes you have made to the file and ...
  4. An error occurred and the symbol cannot be renamed. Fix any errors in the error list and then close and reopen the designer ...
  5. An error occurred connecting to {0}. Check that the service is available then retry, or select a different team project collection. ...
  6. An error occurred during cleanup after content was moved. Temporary files might not have been deleted from your computer. ...
  7. An error occurred during cleanup after content was updated. Temporary files might not have been deleted from your computer. ...
  8. An error occurred during file cleanup. Temporary files might not have been deleted from your computer. Error message: {0} ...
  9. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. One or more modules of the assembly could not be found. HRESULT: ...
  10. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: ...
  11. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The assembly is not strongly named or is not signed with the ...
  12. An error occurred during the installation of assembly '[6]'. The signature or catalog could not be verified or is not valid. ...
  13. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to activate a feature on the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  14. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to communicate with the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  15. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to create a document library on the following SharePoint ...
  16. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to create a folder on the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  17. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to create a site on the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  18. An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to upload a document to the following SharePoint Web application: ...
  19. An error occurred opening '{0}'. This is most likely caused by corruption. Please try again with a different file or report ...
  20. An error occurred that usually indicates a corrupt installation (code 08x). If the problem persists, repair your Visual Studio ...
  21. An error occurred trying to initialize the NuGet package installer. Make sure the NuGet Package Manager extension is enabled. ...
  22. An error occurred trying to load the application definition file for this project. The file '{0}' could not be parsed. Please ...
  23. An error occurred when processing your new command text: {0} The error message was: {1} Do you want to use the new command ...
  24. An error occurred when running the wizard that prevents it from continuing. Your installation of Visual Studio may need to ...
  25. An error occurred when the Coded UI Test Builder was started with UIMap.UITest file. You must edit or delete this file which ...
  26. An error occurred while accessing the report item with the following path: {0}. The report item was found, but it has the ...
  27. An error occurred while applying security settings. 2 is not a valid user or group. This could be a problem with the package, ...
  28. An error occurred while attempting to collect information for an IntelliTrace event. Some IntelliTrace events cannot be collected ...
  29. An error occurred while attempting to load an expression evaluator dll. Please restart Visual Studio. If the problem continues, ...
  30. An error occurred while attempting to update the build definition cache. Continuous integration and gated check-in evaluation ...
  31. An error occurred while attempting to verify that the {0} deployment slot is available on the following hosted service: {1}. ...
  32. An error occurred while checking for updates. Make sure you are running the latest version of the application by uninstalling ...
  33. An error occurred while committing changes to the designer. You should immediately close the designer and re-open it. Before ...
  34. An error occurred while creating or opening the C++ browsing database file %s. IntelliSense and browsing information will ...
  35. An error occurred while creating the backlog query. The query could not be saved. The server might be offline or unresponsive. ...
  36. An error occurred while downloading a required component for %1. Setup cannot continue until all components have downloaded ...
  37. An error occurred while exporting "{0}". This could be due to one of several reasons: - The class diagram cannot be opened ...
  38. An error occurred while generating service certificate. MakeCert.exe reported success, but certificate cannot be located ...
  39. An error occurred while installing system components for %1. Setup cannot continue until all system components have been ...
  40. An error occurred while installing system components for %1. Setup cannot continue until all system components have been ...
  41. An error occurred while launching '%s': %s Check the documentation index for 'Just-in-time debugging, errors' for more information. ...
  42. An error occurred while loading the local Team Foundation Service application tier configuration. See the configuration log ...
  43. An error occurred while loading the local Team Foundation Service application tier configuration. See the configuration log ...
  44. An error occurred while loading the local Visual Studio Online application tier configuration. See the configuration log ...
  45. An error occurred while loading the menu. Refresh the Work Items node in Team Explorer and try again, or contact your administrator. ...
  46. An error occurred while running the screen. You can close the screen or ignore the error and continue using the screen. Error ...
  47. An error occurred while saving the label. Some items that were marked for addition to the label could not be saved into the ...
  48. An error occurred while saving the label. Some items that were removed could not be removed from the label on the server. ...
  49. An error occurred while setting RegistryChangeListener. TestAgent will not be able to listen for new TestController bindings. ...
  50. An error occurred while stopping and uninstalling the HTTP proxy used to associate tests with web requests. Check the computer's ...
  51. An error occurred while submitting the code review request and an attempt to rollback also failed. The page will be closed. ...
  52. An error occurred while suspending task '{0}'; this was most likely caused by missing workspace mappings on this computer. ...
  53. An error occurred while the BITS service was transferring {3} to {4}. Error context: {0} Error code: 0x{1:x8} BITS message: ...
  54. An error occurred while trying to load a required component. Please ensure that the following prerequisite component is installed: ...
  55. An error occurred while trying to load a required component. Please ensure that the following prerequisite component is installed: ...
  56. An error occurred while trying to load some required components. Please ensure that the following prerequisite components ...
  57. An error occurred while trying to load some required components. Please ensure that the following prerequisite components ...
  58. An error occurred while trying to load the network emulation driver. Network Emulation on 64 bit operating systems requires ...
  59. An error occurred while trying to locate the Team Foundation registration entry for {0}. For more information, contact the ...
  60. An error occurred while validating the selected items. Although the import process can continue, this error may cause the ...
  61. An error occurred while verify that the following team project collection is ready for servicing: {0}. The error message ...
  62. An error occurred while verifying that database is upgradable. The database name is {0}. The server hosting the database ...
  63. An error occurred while verifying that the following database exists: {0}. The server hosting the database is {1}. The following ...
  64. An error occurred while verifying that the following package is published: {0}. The following error message was received: ...
  65. An error occurred while verifying that the Tfs Azure package is deployed to the {0} deployment slot on the following hosted ...
  66. An error occurred while verifying upgrade doesn't require the FULL recovery model. The database name is {0}. The server hosting ...
  67. An error occurred while writing installation information to disk. Check to make sure enough disk space is available, and ...
  68. An error occurred while you attempted to check out %s. This item keeps track of the solution's location, and a failure to ...
  69. An error occurred writing Web test result file '{0}': {1}. The Web test result details will be lost if the Web test result ...
  70. An error occurred, and the wizard could not generate the project. Verify that the programming language is properly installed. ...
  71. An error occurred. The field used to define team ownership no longer exists. Your project administrator must specify a field ...
  72. An error was encountered while attempting to rebuild the Analysis Services database. The Analysis Sync jobs may fail until ...
  73. An error was encountered while attempting to upgrade either the warehouse database or the Analysis Services database. Reporting ...
  74. An error was encountered while generating create scripts. Some of the database object scripts might not have been created. ...
  75. An error was encountered while opening associated documents the last time this solution was loaded. Document load is being ...