.NET Framework

  1. At least one Variant in the source array was null, which cannot be copied into the destination array of unboxed value types. ...
  2. At most, '{0}' relationships may be in the '{1}' state for the '{2}' relationship from End '{3}' to an instance of End '{4}'. ...
  3. Attach is not a valid operation when the source object associated with this related end is in an added, deleted, or detached ...
  4. Attempt by security transparent method '%1' to access LinkDemand protected method '%2' failed. Methods must be security critical ...
  5. Attempt by security transparent method '%1' to call native code through method '%2' failed. Methods must be security critical ...
  6. Attempt to delete a link between two objects failed because the identity of the target object of the link depends on the ...
  7. Attempt to load Oracle client libraries threw BadImageFormatException. This problem will occur when running in 64 bit mode ...
  8. Attempt to perform the control operation '{0}' on service instance with the identifier '{1}' failed. There is an active transacted ...
  9. Attempt to read from column ordinal '{0}' is not valid. With CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess, you may only read from column ...
  10. Attempt to redirect activation for type '{0}, {1}'. This is not allowed since either a well-known service type has already ...
  11. Attempt to reference named object(s) '{0}' which have not yet been defined. Forward references, or references to objects ...
  12. Attempt to register a well-known or activated service type of type '{0}, {1}'. This is not allowed since the type has already ...
  13. Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoad() instead if trying to load for reflection ...
  14. Attempted to write an attribute '{0}'='{1}' after writing the attribute with local name '{2}'. The attribute with local name ...
  15. Attempted to write an attribute with local name '{0}' after writing the attribute '{1}'='{2}'. An attribute with local name ...
  16. Attempted to write text after writing attribute type='{0}'. Text may be written only after the attributes type='number', ...
  17. Attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization ...
  18. Attempting to call into managed code without transitioning out first. Do not attempt to run managed code inside low-level ...
  19. Attempting to insert Style named '{0}' into style sheet even though it's already in another style sheet named '{1}'. Only ...
  20. Attribute and namespace nodes cannot be added to the parent element after a text, comment, pi, or sub-element node has already ...
  21. Attribute constructor has a 'ByRef' parameter of type '|1'; cannot use constructors with byref parameters to apply the attribute. ...
  22. Attribute constructor has a parameter of type '|1', which is not an integral, floating-point or Enum type or one of Object, ...
  23. attribute in 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml' namespace is valid only when used with an IDictionary property. ...
  24. attribute on array-like elements is not supported in this version of the .Net Framework. Ignoring {0}='{1}' attribute on ...
  25. Attribute schema mappings for password-question and password-answer must be specified to enable password question and answer ...
  26. Attribute specifier is not a complete statement. Use a line continuation to apply the attribute to the following statement. ...
  27. Attributes are not supported with encoded SOAP. Please change definition of schema type '{0}' from namespace '{1}': use elements ...
  28. Attributes found in complex property '{0}' while deserializing an object of type '{1}'. You cannot specify attributes in ...
  29. AuthorizationContext version {0} in the persisted stream is not supported. Cannot deserialize AuthorizationContext from the ...
  30. Automatic format selection set the response format to '{0}' due to the HTTP client's stated preference for the '{1}' media ...
  31. Automatic format selection set the response format to '{0}', the default value for the operation, as the HTTP client's media-type ...
  32. Automatically pluralize or singularize entity set name, entity type name, and navigation property name using English language ...
  33. AutoPage is disabled on LinqDataSource {0} but paging has not been handled. Ensure you have set the LinqDataSourceSelect ...
  34. Await' can only be used within an Async lambda expression. Consider marking this lambda expression with the 'Async' modifier. ...
  35. Await' can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method with the 'Async' modifier and changing its return ...
  36. Await' can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method with the 'Async' modifier and changing its return ...
  37. Await' may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial 'From' clause or within ...
  38. await' requires that the return type '%1!ls!' of '%2!ls!.GetAwaiter()' have suitable IsCompleted, OnCompleted, and GetResult ...
  39. Await' requires that the return type '|1' of '|2.GetAwaiter()' have suitable IsCompleted, OnCompleted and GetResult members, ...
  40. await' requires that the type '%1!ls!' have a suitable GetAwaiter method. Are you missing a using directive for 'System'? ...
  41. Axis object - Negative or zero values cannot be plotted correctly on logarithmic charts. Only positive values can be interpreted ...
  42. Backing field for automatically implemented property '%1!ls!' must be fully assigned before control is returned to the caller. ...
  43. Bad array declarator: To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier. To declare a fixed ...
  44. Based on the components you've selected to install, you must first install the following platform prerequisites. Please cancel ...
  45. BaseUri must be specified either as an argument of XmlReader.Create or on the XmlParserContext. If it is specified on both, ...
  46. BasicHttp binding requires that BasicHttpBinding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType be equivalent to the BasicHttpMes ...
  47. Be sure to carefully read and understand all of the rights and restrictions described in the EULA. You will be asked to review ...
  48. Be sure to carefully read and understand all of the rights and restrictions described in the EULA. You will be asked to review ...
  49. Be sure to carefully read and understand all of the rights and restrictions described in the License Terms. You will be asked ...
  50. Be sure to carefully read and understand all the rights and restrictions described in the license terms. You must accept ...
  51. Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no longer meaningful. You should install any assemblies ...
  52. Because base ServiceContract '{0}' has a CallbackContract '{1}', derived ServiceContract '{2}' must also specify either '{1}' ...
  53. Because the underlying provider had overridden DbProviderManifest.SupportsEscapingLikeArgument to return true, the DbPro ...
  54. Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying ...
  55. Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues before the call is completed. Consider applying ...
  56. Before a project can be instantiated, Engine.BinPath must be set to the location on disk where MSBuild is installed. This ...
  57. Before calling this method, specify the supported definition identities for this workflow host by calling WorkflowApplic ...
  58. Before setup can continue, it needs to update the Microsoft Windows Installer components . Click Yes to proceed with the ...
  59. Besides the creation and manipulation of Web.config files, the Web Site Administration Tool also configures site provider ...
  60. Binary stream '{0}' does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are invalid stream or object version change between ...
  61. Bind with PropertyReference '{1}' resolves to a property which has index parameters. Indexers are not allowed when binding ...
  62. Binding '{0}' doesn't support creating any channel types. This often indicates that the BindingElements in a CustomBinding ...
  63. Binding '{0}' from namespace '{1}' contains operations with matching wire signatures. Wire signature of message '{2}' matches ...
  64. Binding '{0}' is not configured properly. OneWayBindingElement requires an inner binding element that supports IRequestChannel/IReplyChannel ...
  65. Binding '{0}' lacks a TransportBindingElement. Every binding must have a binding element that derives from TransportBindingElement. ...
  66. Binding '{0}' was not found in config. The config file must be present and contain a binding matching the one specified in ...
  67. Binding for property '{0}' cannot use the target element's Language for conversion; if a culture is required, ConverterCulture ...
  68. Binding settings conflict with an existing instance that is using the same mesh name. Check the value of the property {0}. ...
  69. Binding validation failed because the binding's ExactlyOnce property is set to true while the destination queue is non-transactional. ...
  70. Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to Certificate while the MsmqProtectionLevel ...
  71. Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to WindowsDomain but MSMQ is installed ...
  72. Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqAuthenticationMode property is set to WindowsDomain while the MsmqProtectionLevel ...
  73. Binding validation failed because the binding's MsmqProtectionLevel property is set to EncryptAndSign while the UseActiveDirectory ...
  74. Binding validation failed because the binding's ReceiveErrorHandlig property is set to Move or Reject while the version of ...
  75. Binding validation failed because the endpoint listen URI does not represent an MSMQ direct format name. The service host ...