.NET Framework

  1. Cannot pre-generate serialization assembly. Pre-generation of serialization assemblies is not supported for dynamic assemblies. ...
  2. Cannot proceed with serializing DataTable '{0}'. It contains a DataRow which has multiple parent rows on the same Foreign ...
  3. Cannot propagate channel parameters because the {0} is in the {1} state. This operation is only supported in the Opening ...
  4. Cannot query the data source object referenced by URI '{0}', because the provided XmlResolver returned an object of type ...
  5. Cannot read KeyIdentifierClause from element '{0}' with namespace '{1}'. Custom KeyIdentifierClauses require custom SecurityTokenSerializers, ...
  6. Cannot read keys when either application does not have a console or when console input has been redirected from a file. Try ...
  7. Cannot read the token from the '{0}' element with the '{1}' namespace for BinarySecretSecurityToken, with a '{2}' ValueType. ...
  8. Cannot reconcile schema for '{0}'. Please use XmlRoot attribute to change default name or namespace of the top-level element ...
  9. Cannot refer to '|1' because it is a member of the value-typed field '|2' of class '|3' which has 'System.MarshalByRefObject' ...
  10. Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit ...
  11. Cannot remove the metadata named "{0}" as it originates from an item definition, rather than being directly defined on this ...
  12. Cannot resolve all property references in the property path '{0}'. Verify that applicable objects support the properties. ...
  13. Cannot resolve current inner request URI schema. Bypass cache only for resolvable schema types such as http, ftp, or file. ...
  14. Cannot resolve dependency to assembly '%1' because it has not been preloaded. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent ...
  15. Cannot resolve dependency to Windows Runtime type '%1'. When using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent Windows Runtime assemblies ...
  16. Cannot resolve entity reference '{0}' because the DTD has been ignored. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property ...
  17. Cannot resolve field {0} because the declaring type of the field handle {1} is generic. Explicitly provide the declaring ...
  18. Cannot resolve method {0} because the declaring type of the method handle {1} is generic. Explicitly provide the declaring ...
  19. Cannot resolve the Style {0} '{1}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property syntax to ...
  20. Cannot resolve the template property '{0}'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property ...
  21. Cannot retrieve property '{0}' because localization failed. Type '{1}' is not public or does not contain a public static ...
  22. Cannot return a value from an iterator. Use the yield return statement to return a value, or yield break to end the iteration. ...
  23. Cannot see if a key has been pressed when either application does not have a console or when console input has been redirected ...
  24. Cannot seek to an absolute stream position that is larger than 2^63 - 1 bytes. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = Int64.MaxValue). ...
  25. Cannot serialize delegates over unmanaged function pointers, dynamic methods or methods outside the delegate creator's assembly. ...
  26. Cannot serialize member of type {0}: XmlAnyElement can only be used with classes of type XmlNode or a type deriving from ...
  27. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}' because it has multiple XmlText attributes. Consider using an array of strings with ...
  28. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Base type '{1}' has simpleContent and can only be extended by adding XmlAttribute ...
  29. Cannot serialize object of type '{0}'. Consider changing type of XmlText member '{0}.{1}' from {2} to string or string array. ...
  30. Cannot serialize parameter of type '{0}' (for operation '{1}', contract '{2}') because it is not the exact type '{3}' in ...
  31. Cannot serialize the DataTable. A DataTable being used in one or more DataColumn expressions is not a descendant of current ...
  32. Cannot set both DisplayMemberPath and ItemTemplateSelector. When one is nonempty, it must be cleared before the other can ...
  33. Cannot set Column '{0}' property MaxLength to '{1}'. There is at least one string in the table longer than the new limit. ...
  34. Cannot set content property '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{0}' has incorrect access level or its assembly does not allow access. ...
  35. Cannot set ExportMode after Load if not in shared mode or if there is no WebPartManager or if the WebPart is outside of a ...
  36. Cannot set Name attribute value '{0}' on element '{1}'. '{1}' is under the scope of element '{2}', which already had a name ...
  37. Cannot set property '{0}' on object '{1}' because the object is a forward or incompletely initialized reference. The unresolved ...
  38. Cannot set SourceName property within Style.Triggers section. SourceName applies only to Trigger or MultiTrigger in Template.Triggers ...
  39. Cannot set TargetName property on a Setter within Style.Setters or Style.Triggers section. TargetName applies only to a Setter ...
  40. Cannot set the value of '{0}' because the member is not writable. If the member is a property, it must have an accessible ...
  41. Cannot set UpdateSourceTrigger on inner Binding of MultiBinding. Only the default Immediate UpdateSourceTrigger is valid. ...
  42. Cannot set Visibility to Visible or call Show, ShowDialog, Close, or WindowInteropHelper.EnsureHandle while a Window is closing. ...
  43. Cannot sign with the requested template. Select a different template and contact your network administrator or support personnel. ...
  44. Cannot specify 'ContextMessageProperty' in message when using context channel with context management enabled. Ensure the ...
  45. Cannot specify assembly evidence under MultiDomain after non-GAC assemblies with default evidence have been loaded in appdomain. ...
  46. Cannot specify both the AssemblyName or the AssemblyFile for the Xaml build task extension item. Use either AssemblyName ...
  47. Cannot start impersonation because the SecurityContext for the UltimateReceiver role from the request message with the '{0}' ...
  48. Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service must first be installed (using installutil.exe) ...
  49. Cannot support specification of node name for the distributed transaction manager through System.Transactions due to MSDTC ...
  50. Cannot toggle the page into shared personalization scope. The current user must be granted the right to enter shared personalization ...
  51. Cannot uninstall the browser capabilities assembly, make sure it's not used by other processes. This operation might require ...
  52. Cannot uninstall the specified feature(s) because the SQL table '{0}' in the database '{1}' is not empty. You must first ...
  53. Cannot unregister UpdatePanel with ID '{0}' since it was not registered with the ScriptManager. This might occur if the UpdatePanel ...
  54. Cannot update inside TryCatch because an exception of type '{0}' has been caught but the matching catch block has been removed. ...
  55. Cannot use '%1!ls!' as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation because it is a method group. Did you intend to ...
  56. Cannot use '{0}' because another language has been specified earlier in this page (or was implied from a CodeFile attribute). ...
  57. Cannot use /compile /str simultaneously if you specify a class name or an output file name to the /str switch as well as ...
  58. Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate ...
  59. Cannot use local variable '%1!ls!' before it is declared. The declaration of the local variable hides the field '%2!ls!'. ...
  60. Cannot use XmlNamespaceDeclarations attribute on member '{0}' of type {1}. This attribute is only valid on members of type ...
  61. Cannot verify your permissions to this document because the server that manages permissions for this document is not available. ...
  62. Cannot widen from source type to target type either because the source type is a not a primitive type or the conversion cannot ...
  63. Cannot write a CLR value that maps to number, array, object, true, false or null in JSON after a string value has been written. ...
  64. Cannot write a node of type XmlAttribute as an element value. Use XmlAnyAttributeAttribute with an array of XmlNode or XmlAttribute ...
  65. Cannot write positional parameters in the current state. The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form ...
  66. Cannot write positional parameters in the current state. The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form ...
  67. Cannot write positional parameters in the current state. The writer cannot write the positional parameters in attribute form ...
  68. Cannot write to a BufferedStream while the read buffer is not empty if the underlying stream is not seekable. Ensure that ...
  69. Case key '{0}' is not of type '{1}' and may not ever match any value yielded by the Switch Expression of type 'InArgument ...
  70. Casting to Decimal is not supported in LINQ to Entities queries, because the required precision and scale information cannot ...
  71. Category '{0}' is marked as multi-instance. Performance counters in this category can only be created with instance names. ...
  72. Category '{0}' is marked as single-instance. Performance counters in this category can only be created without instance names. ...
  73. Certificate-based client authentication is not supported in TransportCredentialOnly security mode. Select the Transport security ...
  74. Change from the default AspNetSqlRoleProvider provider to the alternate AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider provider, if you would ...
  75. Change which features are installed. This option displays the Component Selection dialog box that you can use to change which ...