.NET Framework

  1. Add-In deployment cache updating utility version {0} Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. . AddInUtil -PipelineRoot: -AddInRoot: ...
  2. Adding variables or arguments to an already completed activity that can be referenced by the compensation handler or the ...
  3. additionalAccessRights is limited to the PipeAccessRights.ChangePermissions, PipeAccessRights.TakeOwnership, and PipeAcc ...
  4. AddNew cannot be called on the '{0}' type. This type does not have a public default constructor. You can call AddNew on the ...
  5. AddNew cannot be called on the '{0}' type. This type does not have a public default constructor. You can call AddNew on the ...
  6. AddProperties returned a property not created by CustomReflectionContext.CreateProperty in the current reflection context. ...
  7. Administration utility that manages the installation and uninstallation of Windows Communication Foundation on a single machine ...
  8. Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks. ...
  9. Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an administrator command prompt to complete these tasks. ...
  10. Administrator permissions are required to install the .NET Framework Client Profile Language Pack. Contact your administrator ...
  11. Administrator permissions are required to install the .NET Framework Client Profile. Contact your administrator for assistance. ...
  12. Advanced binding allows you to bind properties of a control to items within lists. At run time, a bound property will change ...
  13. advanceWidths and glyphOffsets constitute coordinate too large for glyph at index '{0}'. For renderingEmSize '{1}' the values ...
  14. After a CollectionChange.Add event, Items collection does not contain the added item '{0}'. This could happen if the event ...
  15. After a CollectionChange.Add event, Items collection does not contain the added item '{0}'. This could happen if the event ...
  16. Alignment and stretching: If you want to align a control within a cell, or if you want a control to stretch within a cell, ...
  17. Alignment and stretching: If you want to align a control within a cell, or if you want a control to stretch within a cell, ...
  18. All field widths, except the last element, must be greater than zero. A field width less than or equal to zero in the last ...
  19. All objects in the EntitySet '{0}' must have unique primary keys. However, an instance of type '{1}' and an instance of type ...
  20. All of the reply sequence's messages must be acknowledged prior to closing the request sequence. This is a violation of the ...
  21. All operations for contract '{0}' must be marked with CanCreateInstance equal to true because the contract uses SessionMode.NotAllowed. ...
  22. All operations with CanCreateInstance equal to true must be two way because contract '{0}' uses SessionMode '{1}'. Operation ...
  23. All particles in the {particles} of the base particle which are not mapped to by any particle in the {particles} of the derived ...
  24. All projects in a Visual Basic solution must target the same platform, but the project you are trying to add targets a platform ...
  25. All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The Provider '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered earlier. ...
  26. All SSDL artifacts must target the same provider. The ProviderManifestToken '{0}' is different from '{1}' that was encountered ...
  27. All users can view this document, digitally sign it, or change permissions. To decide who can access the document and for ...
  28. All xsd:schema elements contained in a wsdl:types element of a DESCRIPTION MUST have a targetNamespace attribute with a valid ...
  29. Allow users to specify operation validation logic against which the incoming message will be verified before being accepted. ...
  30. AllowCustomPaging must be true and VirtualItemCount must be set for a DataGrid with ID '{0}' when AllowPaging is set to true ...
  31. AllowInitializationUI was set to false for this channel, but the channel is configured to use the '{0}' as an interactive ...
  32. AllowOverride and InheritInChildApplications can not be set in the exe configuration, these settings have no meaning there. ...
  33. Although no ambient transaction was present when InstanceStore.Execute or BeginExecute was invoked, an internal transaction ...
  34. Although no ambient transaction was present when InstanceStore.Execute or BeginExecute was invoked, an internal transaction ...
  35. Although the '{0}' element's content type is mixed, it cannot have element children, because it has a fixed value constraint ...
  36. Ambiguous construct. An 'item' having a repeat count where the minimum and maximum value are different cannot contain only ...
  37. Ambiguous match. '{0}' has multiple public {1} methods named '{2}' matching the parameter types, generic type arguments, ...
  38. Ambiguous reference in cref attribute: '%1!ls!'. Assuming '%2!ls!', but could have also matched other overloads including ...
  39. Ambiguous types specified for member '{0}'. Items '{1}' and '{2}' have the same type. Please consider using {3} with {4} ...
  40. An 'xsl:apply-imports' element can only occur within an 'xsl:template' element with a 'match' attribute, and cannot occur ...
  41. An acknowledgement range starting at {0} and ending at {1} was received. This is an invalid acknowledgement range. The reliable ...
  42. An acknowledgement was received indicating the remaining buffer space on the remote endpoint is {0}. This number cannot be ...
  43. An Activity can only get the location of arguments which it owns. Activity '{0}' is trying to get the location of argument ...
  44. An Activity can only schedule its direct children. Activity '{0}' is attempting to schedule '{1}' which is a child of activity ...
  45. An add-in's base was an interface, but there were multiple interfaces marked as being valid add-in bases. Add-in {0} in {1} ...
  46. An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of ...
  47. An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of ...
  48. An argument of the wrong type was passed to this method. This method expected an argument of type {0}, but it was passed ...
  49. An argument of the wrong type was passed to this method. This method expected an argument of type {0}, but it was passed ...
  50. An assembly (probably "{1}") must be rewritten using the code contracts binary rewriter (CCRewrite) because it is calling ...
  51. An assembly was provided an invalid grant set by runtime host '{0}'. In a homogenous AppDomain, the only valid grant sets ...
  52. An assembly with the same simple name '%1!ls! has already been imported. Try removing one of the references or sign them ...
  53. An association End mapping has a 'to' Role {0} with multiplicity greater than one. A maximum multiplicity of one is supported. ...
  54. An asynchronous write is pending on the stream. Ensure that there are no uncompleted asynchronous writes before attempting ...
  55. An attachable property named '{1}' is attached on a dictionary key '{0}' that is either a string or can be type-converted ...
  56. An attachable property named '{2}' is attached to a property named '{1}'. The property named '{1}' is either a string or ...
  57. An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. ...
  58. An attempt has been made to free an RCW that is in use. The RCW is in use on the active thread or another thread. Attempting ...
  59. An attempt made to close the session channel while there are still messages pending in the session. Current transaction will ...
  60. An attempt to connect to the named pipe endpoint at '{1}' failed. Another attempt will be made with {0} remaining in the ...
  61. An attempt to send a message to {0} timed out after {1}. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a ...
  62. An attempt to track a complex property of an entity with type '{0}' failed because the complex object was already being tracked ...
  63. An attempt to track an entity or complex type failed because the entity or complex type '{0}' does not implement the INotifyPropertyChanged ...
  64. An attempt was made to calculate the address of a value type field on a remote object. This was likely caused by an attempt ...
  65. An attempt was made to change the apartment state of the thread to %1$s, but it has already been set to %2$s. When creating ...
  66. An attempt was made to close the session channel while there are still messages pending in the session. The sessiongram will ...
  67. An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous ...
  68. An attempt was made to load an assembly that was downloaded from a network location, which would have caused the assembly ...
  69. An attempt was made to remove a relationship between a {0} and a {1}. However, one of the relationship's foreign keys ({2}) ...
  70. An attempt was made to retrieve a GCHandle from an invalid IntPtr cookie ( 1$x). The cookie was most likely invalid because ...
  71. An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter ...
  72. An earlier version of this application is already installed and marked as a customUX type. To install this application, either ...
  73. An earlier version of this application is already installed and not marked as a customUX type. To install this application, ...
  74. An early bound call (vtable call) was made on the following member of an auto dispatch class interface: '%1$s'. Early bound ...
  75. An element declared at the top level of a schema cannot have maxOccurs > 1. Provide a wrapper element for '{0}' by using ...