A message was received on interface %1 from an unknown neighbor, while the previously-detected neighbor is still active. This will prolong the "tooManyNeighbors" state. Existing Neighbor ID: %3 Recived Neighbor ID: %5
A member was removed from a security-enabled local group. Subject: Security ID: %6 Account Name: %7 Account Domain: %8 Logon ...
A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group. Subject: Security ID: %6 Account Name: %7 Account Domain: %8 ...
A memory corruption was detected and handled. Memory diagnostics should be run on this machine and, if necessary, memory ...
A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer ...
A message was received on interface %1 from an unknown neighbor, while the previously-detected neighbor is still active. ...
A message was received whose formatting was in error. Either the version was invalid, or one of the reserved fields contained ...
A method call to an object in a COM+ application was rejected because the caller is not properly authorized to make this ...
A method call to an object in a COM+ application was rejected because the caller is not properly authorized to make this ...
A mirrored volume duplicates your data on two dynamic disks. Create a mirrored volume if you want to keep two separate copies ...