SMS Inventory Data Loader has detected that a resource with GUID %1 needs to be resynchronized, but the resource will not ...

%11SMS Inventory Data Loader has detected that a resource with GUID %1 needs to be resynchronized, but the resource will not be resynchronized because the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER
esynchronize Clients on the resource computer has been turned off. Data will not be processed for this resource until it has been resynchronized.%12

Possible cause: SMS Inventory Data Loader detected a MIF file (from the resource with GUID %1) that contains an update request for data that is not in the SMS site database. Therefore, SMS Inventory Data Loader wants to request a resynchronization, or full MIF file, from that resource.
Solution: On the resource with GUID %1, set the registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_INVENTORY_DATA_LOADER
esynchronize Clients to 1 (true).%0
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