The value of the following fields are dependent on each other in Microsoft Project. In order to maintain the dependency, only the last field (^1) will be synched between SharePoint and Microsoft Project. The other fields (^2) will have their value controlled by the value for ^1.
The value in the Replace With box is not valid.}You have tried to replace \"^1\" with a value that is not a valid value for ...
The value is not valid.} This is not a valid date or is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984, through December ...
The value is not valid.}This is not a valid date or is outside the range for dates, which is January 1, 1984, through December ...
The value is not valid.}\"^1\" is not in the list of choices for \"^2.\" This field may only contain values from the value ...
The value of the following fields are dependent on each other in Microsoft Project. In order to maintain the dependency, ...
The value of two items at the same level and under the same parent are have the same phonetic value. The phonetic values ...
The value you entered does not exist in the lookup table of this code. All values must be predefined in the code lookup table. ...
The value you entered does not exist in the lookup table of this code}All values must be predefined in the code lookup table. ...
The values in the length column must be '{0}' or numeric. Additionally, the cumulative length of the code mask cannot exceed ...