Number of soft resets issued by the controller. A soft reset does not completely clear current device state and/or data. Exact semantics are dependent on the device, and on the protocols and mechanisms used to communicate to it.
Number of SCSI retries that have occurred since last hard or soft reset related to the controlled Device. The time of last ...
Number of SCSI timeouts that have occurred since last hard or soft reset related to the controlled Device. The time of last ...
Number of search suboperations per second. One search operation is made up of many sub operations. A sub operation roughly ...
Number of Security Descriptor Propagation suboperations per second. One Security Descriptor Propagation operation is made ...
Number of soft resets issued by the controller. A soft reset does not completely clear current device state and/or data. ...
Number of successfully established RDMA connections on which an error occurred before being disconnected by local or remote ...
Number of system state backups found: %1!lu! Number of copies to keep: %2!lu! Because the number of backups found is less ...
Number of transport security binding %1 is invalid. One and only one transport security binding must be specified in security ...
Number of unique tracing providers that are registered with the tracing subsystem but are not actively enabled to any trace ...