unload -- Unloads a Filter driver %1 unload [ driverName ] The driverName should be the full path to the sys file for the Filter driver being unloaded
Unit modifiers for the values returned by the numeric sensors. See CIM_NumericSensor.UnitModifier description for details. ...
United States of America|Etats-Unis|Estados Unidos de América|Es Us|Stati Uniti d'America|EUA|EEUU|USA|US|America|United ...
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name of the server on which this operation is to be performed. If NULL, the operation is ...
Unknown print processor (%1) or invalid data type (%4), error %7, Client Side Rendering is disabled. See the event user data ...
unload - Unloads a Filter driver %1 unload driverName The driverName should be the full path to the sys file for the Filter ...
Unloading the performance counter strings for service %1!s! (%2!s!) failed. The first DWORD in the Data section contains ...
Unmapped unix user or anonymous access is enabled on the share but AUTH_SYS authentication protocol is disabled. The server ...
Unoptimized recovery of files from backup of a dedup optimized backup failed because the recovery target does not have enough ...
Unplug or disable all but one of your network connections There is more than one active network connection on your computer. ...