You must specify a Directory Services Restore Mode password when running the Active Directory Installation Wizard in unattended mode to complete the upgrade of a domain controller.
You must run this wizard once for each localized version you want to create. To retain settings across multiple versions, ...
You must select one target as the initial master. The first time you start replication, its contents are replicated to the ...
You must set or review the alarm limit for each alarm entry added. Enter a limit value greater than or equal to zero and ...
You must shut down and restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer ...
You must specify a Directory Services Restore Mode password when running the Active Directory Installation Wizard in unattended ...
You must specify at least one download site for your users to download your package from. You can specify up to ten sites. ...
You must specify what functions you want the Routing and Remote Access service to perform (LAN routing, Demand-dial routing, ...
You must stop the Routing and Remote Access service before loading a new configuration. Do you want to stop the service? ...
You need an Emergency Repair disk for the Windows installation you want to repair. If you have the Emergency Repair disk, ...