The data retrieval service encountered an unrecoverable error retrieving your data. For assistance, contact the administrator of the SharePoint site hosting this service.
The data range is too complex to be displayed. If a new range is selected, it will replace all of the series in the Series ...
The data received from the source database could not all be displayed in the PivotTable report. You may be able to display ...
The data recovery key name for this Groove Enterprise Services Manager domain is invalid. Please retry creating this domain. ...
The data retrieval service encountered an error during connection to the data source. Contact the server administrator for ...
The data retrieval service encountered an unrecoverable error retrieving your data. For assistance, contact the administrator ...
The data retrieval service installed on the Web server encountered an unrecoverable error. Contact the server administrator ...
The data retrieval service will time out if the data source does not respond within the duration you specify. Specify the ...
The data retrieval services adapter retrieving your data had an unrecoverable error. Contact product support to determine ...
The data server returned a non-specific error when trying to execute your query. Check the format and content of your query ...