Deployment to Azure requires full control over a subscription. Any services deployed will be billed at the Azure standard usage rate.
Depending on your configuration, you will either connect using the password for the user name displayed below, or with the ...
Deployment information for computer with friendlyName '{0}' cannot be found. Check that the computer is specified in any ...
Deployment Manager cannot run when Windows is running in safe mode. You must either start Windows normally or install Deployment ...
Deployment request can't be validated at this time. Please wait for a moment, and then try again. If the issue persists, ...
Deployment to Azure requires full control over a subscription. Any services deployed will be billed at the Azure standard ...
Deploys a forward rule to the selected user mailboxes. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Email Router uses this rule to forward messages ...
Deposit override is only available for new orders, existing orders and pick-up orders, if deposit override was used at the ...
Deprecated) Shows the project contract line that this project contract line estimate will be mapped to for operating margin ...
Depreciation amounts with a date later than adjustment date of %1 exist. After verifying the depreciation amounts, you might ...