Add/edit comments for functoid. Provide additional information about the functoid here, such as its purpose. The maximum number of characters allowed is 1024.
ADD ReferenceType NVARCHAR(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT N'BizTalkService' WITH VALUES, LongReferenceData NTEXT NULL GO - Update ...
Add the addresses available for this contact. If you publish more than on address, you may want to define their use types, ...
Add the e-mail addresses available for this contact. If you publish more than one e-mail address, you may want to define ...
Add the phone numbers available for this contact. If you publish more than one phone number, you may want to define their ...
Add/edit comments for functoid. Provide additional information about the functoid here, such as its purpose. The maximum ...
Addition of multiple devices is supported by RFID Manager only for TCP and HTTP transport types. This provider does not support ...
Additional Software is a set of optional components that extend the functionality of Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010.For more ...
Adds a reference to an application. The AddReference method will detect potential circular reference and throw an exception ...
Adds an event into the process pipeline for a particular process. Ensure that the LogicalDeviceName argument matches a defined ...