One or more of the checked pending changes no longer exists or was modified by another process. The list of pending changes has been refreshed and is now current. Please inspect the list of pending changes and try to check in again.
One or more items were not excluded from source control because their project files could not be checked out. The project ...
One or more matches of any character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and underscore) or dash. On either side of the @ character this ensures ...
One or more modules were streamed in which did not match those specified by the manifest. The hash of one or more modules ...
One or more of the CD/DVD or floppy drives in this virtual machine has a disk mounted. Contact your administrator to have ...
One or more of the checked pending changes no longer exists or was modified by another process. The list of pending changes ...
One or more of the Code Analysis rule sets that are listed below could not be loaded. To pass the Code Analysis policy for ...
One or more of the command-line options are invalid or not supported. Use vstoinstaller.exe /? to review valid command-line ...
One or more of the explicit class or function type variables for this binding could not be generalized, because they were ...
One or more of the files selected is either animated or has text overlays. Visual Web Developer is not able to change the ...