One or more functions in this workbook are not available in earlier versions of Excel.ï¾ When recalculated in earlier versions, these functions will return a #NAME? error instead of their current results.
One or more cells in this workbook contain a conditional formatting type on a nonadjacent range (such as, top/bottom N, top/bottom ...
One or more cells in this workbook contain a conditional formatting type that is not supported in earlier versions of Excel, ...
One or more columns cannot accept the information you're trying to import. The information you are trying to import does ...
One or more defined names in this workbook contain formulas that use more than the 255 characters allowed in the selected ...
One or more functions in this workbook are not available in earlier versions of Excel.ï When recalculated in earlier versions, ...
One or more functions in this workbook are not available in this version of Excel. When recalculated, these functions will ...
One or more margins are set outside the printable area of the page. Choose the Fix button to increase the appropriate margins. ...
One or more of the attachments contains Macintosh specific information which will be lost if sent with the current encoding. ...
One or more of the file names contains UNICODE, null, or corrupt characters. Rename those files and try opening them again. ...