Once you block this domain, people in this domain won't be able to see your status, have IM conversations with you, or see your phone numbers in (!IDS_PRODUCTNAME_SHORT).Note: People inside your company may still be able to see your phone number in the corporate address book.
Office can collect statistics from all of your Microsoft Office applications about stability problems, system configuration, ...
Once blocked, this person won't be able to see your status, have IM conversations with you, or see your phone numbers in ...
Once people add you to a room, you're a member. Now you can follow the rooms you're really interested in. (Hint: Right-click ...
Once unblocked, this person may be able to see your status, have IM conversations with you, and see your phone numbers, depending ...
Once you block this domain, people in this domain won't be able to see your status, have IM conversations with you, or see ...
Once you unblock this domain, people in this domain may be able to see your status, have IM conversations with you, and see ...
One of the recordings you selected is in the process of being published. None of your selected recordings can be deleted ...
One or more people couldn't respond to your invitation. They need to be running at least Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 ...
One or more selected contacts cannot be added as a delegate or team-call group member. Either the contact is outside of your ...