Usage: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -showsummary [-backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath}] [-machine:BackupMachineName] [-recoveryTarget:TargetPathForRecovery] [-authsysvol] [-quiet] Runs a system state recovery based on the options specified. -version Version identifier of the backup in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format, as listed by WBADMIN GET VERSIONS. -backupTarget Specifies the storage location that contains the backups for which you want to do the recovery. Useful when the backups are stored in a different location than the normal location for backups of this computer. -machine Specifies the name of the computer for which you want to do the recovery. Useful when multiple computers have been backed up to the same location. Should be used when -backupTarget is specified. -recoveryTarget Existing directory path to restore to. Useful if the restore is to be done to an alternate location. -authsysvol Perform an authoritative restore of SYSVOL -quiet Runs the command with no user prompts. -showsummary Reports the summary of the last run of reboot status of last successful online system state recovery. This option cannot be accompanied by any other options. Examples: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:04/31/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:\\servername\share -machine:server01
Usage: WBADMIN START RECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -items:VolumesToRecover|AppsToRecover|FilesOrFoldersToRecover -itemtype:{Volume ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -backupTarget:{VolumeName} -quiet Runs a system state backup based on the options ...
Usage: WBADMIN START SYSTEMSTATERECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -showsummary -backupTarget:{VolumeName | NetworkSharePath} ...
Usage: WBADMIN STOP JOB -quiet Cancels currently running backup or recovery. Canceled jobs cannot be restarted. -quiet Runs ...
Usage: WBADMIN STOP JOB -quiet Stops the currently running backup or recovery jobs. Stopped jobs cannot be restarted. -quiet ...
Usage: WDSUTIL is a command line utility used for managing Windows Deployment Services (WDS). Syntax: WDSUtil Options Command ...
Usage: wfpdiag -k:keywords Captures all possible diagnostic info. wfpdiag -trace Captures just event tracing. wfpdiag -dump ...