For a given disk claimed by MSDSM, the load balance policy levels have the following order of precendence: 1. The policy ...

For a given disk claimed by MSDSM, the load balance policy levels have the
 following order of precendence:
    1. The policy explicitly set for the disk. (Via '-l -d' or the MPIO control
       panel applet.)
    2. The policy set for the hardware ID of the disk.  (Via '-l -t'.)
    3. The MSDSM-wide poilcy.  (Via '-l -m'.)
    4. Round Robin if disk is non-ALUA, Round Robin with Subset otherwise.
 Thus, if no policy is explicitly set for the disk itself, no policy is set for
 the hardware ID of the disk, but the MSDSM-wide policy is set, the disk will
 use the MSDSM-wide load balance policy.  However, if a policy is set for the
 disk's hardware ID, that policy will be used regardless if the MSDSM-wide
 policy is set or not.