Setting the synchronization user will assign your Exchange email and password as the credentials that are used to synchronize customers and service items to Bookings for this company. Any user already assigned as the synchronization user will be replaced with your User ID. Do you want to continue?
Setting a Query or QueryRun that has been created on the Server tier on FormDataSource %1' is not a valid operation. You ...
Setting Disallow renumbering of lines to No can cause inconsistent references to line numbers when purchase order lines are ...
Setting pull only mode will overwrite local data when there are changes in data in MDS. Are you sure you want to set this ...
Setting the selected default queue to Inactive will result in there not being a default queue for the work item type. Do ...
Setting the synchronization user will assign your Exchange email and password as the credentials that are used to synchronize ...
Settlement period, which at settlement will close the sales tax book to include it in the final periodic sales tax report. ...
Settlement transaction could not be posted due to letter of credit is either not confirmed or still has unallocated margin ...
Setup can't continue because your organization's URL isn't in the allowed URLs list in Parature. To continue, in Parature ...
Setup cannot be completed. Dynamics 365 does not support upgrading from one language version to a different language version. ...