This file can't be opened because the file format is blocked by your administrative policy. Contact your administrator for details.
This feature requires the current version of (!idspnOneNote_NV). Please install the most current version of (!idspnOneNote_NV) ...
This file came from a source that might be unsafe, so we opened it in a way that helps to keep your computer protected (just ...
This file came from the Internet, so we opened it in a way that helps to keep your computer safe from viruses (just in case). ...
This file came from your email, so we opened it in a way that helps to keep your computer safe from viruses (just in case). ...
This file can't be opened because the file format is blocked by your administrative policy. Contact your administrator for ...
This file can't be saved because your changes conflict with changes made by someone else. To keep your changes, you can save ...
This file can't be saved. It may have been moved or deleted while you were editing. To keep your changes, save a copy of ...
This file can't be saved. The file's folder may have been moved or deleted while you were editing. To keep your changes, ...
This file can't be uploaded because it contains invalid values in the file properties. Please update the property values ...