ARE YOU SURE? You are changing unique ID used to match objects of the type {0} in {1} with objects of type {2} in {3}. Press OK to proceed or Cancel to abort.
Are you sure you want to make your storage account {0}? This change can have a pricing impact. pricingDetail|Pricing Detail.|{1}|_blank] ...
Are you sure you want to scale the following websites? Websites that you move to Reserved mode will continue to be billed ...
Are you sure you want to soft delete the record with ID '{0}'? This action will not cause a registered delete script to execute. ...
Are you sure you want to truncate the table '{0}'? WARNING: this action will permanently delete ALL data in the table without ...
ARE YOU SURE? You are changing unique ID used to match objects of the type {0} in {1} with objects of type {2} in {3}. Press ...
Argument cipherData is not a valid Base64 string. Most likely its not encrypted while we were expecting an encrypted setting. ...
As a security precaution, complete verification of your account by using a code that will be sent from Windows Live to your ...
Assign a unique name to this backup policy that has between 3 and 150 characters. The name can only contain letters, numbers, ...
Assisted Recovery - One or more of your services have recovered from an incident. If you still need assistance, click OK ...