Since %OccuredSince;, synchronization jobs for %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; have failed. The total number of failed jobs = %FailureCount;. The last job failed for the following reason:
Setup has detected that Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 SP1 is not installed. You need to install .NET framework 3.5 SP1 before ...
Setup was cancelled during installation of {0}. Because installation of {0} cannot be interrupted, Setup stopped the installation ...
Setup was cancelled during installation of {0}. Because installation of {0} cannot be interrupted, Setup stopped the installation ...
Since %OccuredSince;, DPM Online recovery point creation jobs for %DatasourceName; have failed. The total number of failed ...
Since %OccuredSince;, synchronization jobs for %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; have failed. The total number of failed jobs ...
Size optimization cannot be done on data source %DatasourceName;. This can be done only if a part of the data source is protected. ...
Some configuration steps for DPM Central Console server components failed. Please execute the file DPMCentralConsoleServerConfig.bat ...
Some items were not recovered because recovering items across a reparse point is not permitted. The folder %ReparsePtPath; ...
Some of the databases were not available for protection when the selected recovery point was created. For farm recovery, ...