This command cannot be used from the current path. Move to root path of the provider using cd\ and run your command again.
This command cannot be used because the parameter does not match any properties on the ResourceURI.Check the input parameters ...
This command cannot be used because the parameter matches a non-text property on the ResourceURI.Check the input parameters ...
This command cannot be used because the parameter matches multiple properties on the ResourceURI.Check the input parameters ...
This command cannot be used because the parameter value type is invalid. {0} configuration expects a value of Type {1}. Verify ...
This command cannot be used from the current path. Move to root path of the provider using cd\ and run your command again. ...
This command cannot be used in multi-tenant deployment. Use RemoteAccess PowerShell cmdlets for viewing or modifying the ...
This command cannot be used to remove the computer 'localhost' because it will always be connected. Give some other connected ...
This command cannot be used without Basic or Digest authentication algorithm because credentials are specified.Use Basic ...
This command cannot be used without credential because the authentication algorithm is Basic or Digest. Use Credentials parameter ...