Indicates the name of the SharePoint field that will supply the priority for the synchronized task. Since Project Web App uses values from 0-1000 to indicate priority, while SharePoint uses textual values (High, Medium, Low, etc.), we allow textual values to be mapped to numeric priorities during the synchronization.
Indent the selected tasks one level at a time. When you indent a task, it becomes a subtask of the nearest preceding task ...
Indicate the topics you want your resources to report on by entering a title and a brief description for each section of ...
Indicate whether to automatically run this rule and publish the updates. If the project is checked out to someone else, the ...
Indicates the base calendar for the resource's calendar. Calendars are the scheduling mechanism that determines working time ...
Indicates the name of the SharePoint field that will supply the priority for the synchronized task. Since Project Web App ...
Indicates the name of the SharePoint field that will supply the resource assigned to the synchronized task. Multiple resources ...
Indicates where the assignment information for resources in the current project is from: the currently open project or another ...
Indicates whether a Microsoft Project Web App update should be sent to the assigned team members because of changes to a ...
Indicates whether a task is marked for further action or identification of some kind. Use the marked style in the various ...