The bank account is being used by active Letter of Credits or Letter of Guarantees. The currency code could not be changed.
The Back End Server role group includes the server roles that handle processing asynchronous events such as workflows, custom ...
The Bal. Account No. field must have a value if the Bal. Source Type field contains %1.\Affected Mapping Text: %2. Do you ...
The balancing financial dimension must not allow blanks in the account structure. Use the Configure account structures form ...
The balancing financial dimension that is assigned to the ledger must exist in all account structures. Use the Configure ...
The bank account is being used by active Letter of Credits or Letter of Guarantees. The currency code could not be changed. ...
The bank data conversion service has found one or more errors.\For each line to be exported, resolve the errors that are ...
The bank statement contains payments that are already applied, but the related bank account ledger entries are not closed.\Do ...
The bank statement that you are importing contains transactions in %1 %2. This conflicts with the %3 %4.\Do you want to continue? ...
The BankPositivePayFormat table is used to set up positive pay formats that will be used in generating positive pay files ...