Unable to update DDL history information to reflect columns changes applied to the tracked table associated with change table '%1!s!'. Refer to previous errors in the current session to identify the cause and correct any associated problems.
Unable to start a nested transaction for OLE DB provider "%1!s!" for linked server "%2!s!". A nested transaction was required ...
Unable to start the Transact-SQL debugger. The Transact-SQL debugger does not support SQL Server 2000 or earlier versions ...
Unable to start the Transact-SQL debugger. The Transact-SQL debugger does not support SQL Server 2005 or earlier versions ...
Unable to test profile. Service Broker message delivery is not enabled in this database. Use the ALTER DATABASE statement ...
Unable to update DDL history information to reflect columns changes applied to the tracked table associated with change table ...
Unable to update the registry of distributor '%1!s!' to allow Oracle OLEDB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle to run in process with ...
Unable to upgrade database '%1!s!'. Error '%2!s!' was raised: '%3!s!'. Use the reported error to determine the cause of the ...
Unable to upgrade lookup metadata from version %1!d! to %2!d!. The Lookup transform was unable to upgrade metadata from the ...
Unable to view mining model content because data source connection string is not found in the mining model's data source ...