An error occured when creating SQL objects that are needed to run the sample. This could be because the login provided does not have sufficent permissions to create tables, types and stored procedures. Please check permissions and try again. Message:
ActivityType property: '{0}' may not override a baseType's property definition except to provide a value if one was not specified. ...
Administrators that can manage Catalog Settings, and can add and remove users. Note that registration of groups is not yet ...
An error has occured while trying to update the glossary administrators after creating your Azure Data Catalog. Please refresh ...
An error has occurred when attempting to create your Azure Data Catalog, causing the operation to fail. You can retry the ...
An error occured when creating SQL objects that are needed to run the sample. This could be because the login provided does ...
An instance of the linked service type '{0}' cannot have more than one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService ...
An instance of the linked service type '{0}' requires exactly one property value which is a ServiceBusLinkedService instance. ...
Another user is currently setting up Azure Data Catalog for your organization using a subscription for which you are not ...
Asset cannot be moved to a different set of identity property names. From identity property names: {0}. To identity property ...