A newer version of this document is available on the server. To use this document, open the latest version. Choose a different name or location to save your current file.
A name for the '%{strAttrID/}' attribute ID was not specified. Attribute names must always be specified for new attributes. ...
A navigation property of type '{0}' is not valid. '{1}' or a single implementation of '{2}' was expected, but '{3}' was found. ...
A navigation property that returns an EntityCollection cannot be changed if the existing EntityCollection contains items ...
A new Power BI file will be made for you. It will contain as much of your content as possible. This could take a few minutes. ...
A newer version of this document is available on the server. To use this document, open the latest version. Choose a different ...
A non-key column in time series model, '%{modelname/}', has date/time/timestamp data type. This is not allowed. Recommend ...
A null attribute key was converted to an unknown member when processing: %1[Table: '%{Table/}', Column: '%{Column/}', Value: ...
A null attribute key was converted to an unknown member. Attribute: %{Property/} of Dimension: %{Dimension/} from Database: ...
A NULL value was fetched for table '%{IWTableName/}' column '%{IWColumnName/}'. NULL values are not allowed in this column. ...