Properties on this entity have been removed from the data source. The corresponding fields on the associated entity will be removed.
Project-level suppressions either have no target or are given {0} a specific target and scoped to a namespace, type, member, ...
Projects that support the Common Language Runtime have been converted to use dynamic linking to the run-time libraries (/MDd, ...
Properties cannot be changed while Excel is in edit mode. Move the selection away from the currently selected cell and then ...
Properties in custom build rules always inherit. Property '%s' in custom build rule '%s' has 'Inheritable=False'. Please ...
Properties on this entity have been removed from the data source. The corresponding fields on the associated entity will ...
Properties should be used instead of Get/Set methods in most situations. Methods are preferable to properties in the following ...
Properties that return arrays are prone to code inefficiencies. Consider using a collection or making this a method. See ...
Properties that return collections should be read-only so that users cannot entirely replace the backing store. Users can ...
Properties whose values are of type IVsUICollection cannot currently be set through the presentation layer with a wrapped ...