' AND ArchivedTime is null OPEN relations FETCH NEXT FROM relations INTO @relation WHILE @@fetch_status = 0 BEGIN -- Rename columns SET @tableChangeSql = N'EXEC sp_rename N''' + @relation + N'.[OtherActivityName]'', ''ReferenceName'', ''COLUMN''' EXEC sp_executesql @tableChangeSql SET @tableChangeSql = N'EXEC sp_rename N''' + @relation + N'.[OtherActivityID]'', ''ReferenceData'', ''COLUMN''' EXEC sp_executesql @tableChangeSql -- Add two new columns: ReferenceType and LongReferenceData SET @tableChangeSql = N'ALTER TABLE ' + @relation + N' ADD ReferenceType NVARCHAR(128) DEFAULT N''BizTalkService'' WITH VALUES, LongReferenceData NTEXT NULL' EXEC sp_executesql @tableChangeSql -- Update ReferenceType to 'Activity' when OtherActivityName is not 'BizTalkOrchestration' SET @tableChangeSql = N'UPDATE ' + @relation + N' SET ReferenceType = N''Activity'' WHERE ReferenceName <> N''BizTalkOrchestration''' EXEC sp_executesql @tableChangeSql -- Update ReferenceType to 'BizTalkService' when OtherActivityName is 'BizTalkOrchestration' -- Update ReferenceName to management server + management database + relationship SET @tableChangeSql = N'UPDATE ' + @relation + N' SET ReferenceName = N''' + @ReferenceName + N''' WHERE ReferenceName = N''BizTalkOrchestration''' EXEC sp_executesql @tableChangeSql FETCH NEXT FROM relations INTO @relation END CLOSE relations DEALLOCATE relations GO -- Place-holder, this will be modified in code ALTER VIEW
An XML Web service uses standard Web protocols to share data with one or more applications, regardless of how each service ...
An XML Web service uses standard Web protocols to share data with one or more applications, regardless of how each service ...
Analysis database is not specified correctly. Either specify the Analysis Services and database, or leave them both empty. ...
Analysis Services Decision Support Objects are not installed on this machine. Decision Support Objects must be installed ...
AND ArchivedTime is null OPEN relations FETCH NEXT FROM relations INTO @relation WHILE @fetch_status = 0 BEGIN - Rename columns ...
AND ArchivedTime IS NULL OPEN relationship_partition FETCH NEXT FROM relationship_partition INTO @relationshipPartition WHILE ...
Any assembly that you choose a script from below must also be in the global assembly cache (GAC) for Test Map to function ...
Application "{0}" is not found in the database. It may have been removed. Close the Export Wizard, refresh the Administration ...
Application is not empty. Please remove all Send Ports, Receive Ports, Send Port Groups and other deployed resources before ...