Assembly '{0}' not found in dependency set of target binary. Statically linked roots should be specified using an assembly name, without a DLL or EXE extension. If this assembly was referenced explicitly then it is possible the assembly was not actually required by the generated binary, in which case it should not be statically linked.
Assemblies that meet this code group's membership condition will receive the permissions in the permission set specified ...
Assemblies that reference System.Windows.Forms should have the STAThreadAttribute. Failure to apply this attribute will most ...
Assemblies without DNS permission will not be able to resolve Internet names or use URL addresses like ''. ...
Assembly '{0}' cannot be used to resolve a reference to a type library since it has multiple guid attributes which is not ...
Assembly '{0}' not found in dependency set of target binary. Statically linked roots should be specified using an assembly ...
Assembly '{0}' was not found. Verify that you are not missing an assembly reference. Also, verify that your project and all ...
Assembly '{0}' was referenced transitively and the assembly could not be resolved automatically. Static linking will assume ...
Assembly '|1' references assembly '|2', which is ambiguous between '|3' (referenced by project '|4') and '|5' (referenced ...
Assembly and module attributes must precede all other elements defined in a file except using clauses and extern alias declarations ...