DPM detected an inconsistent replica of the data source for %ListOfDataSources;. Attempts to fix this may not have been successful. Older recovery points may not be recoverable because of hardware issues on the protected computer or DPM server.
DPM database size has exceeded the threshold limit. DPM database size: %DPMDBSize; GB DPM database location: %DPMDBLocation; ...
DPM database size has exceeded the threshold limit. DPM database size: %DPMDBSize; GB DPM database location: %DPMDBLocation; ...
DPM database size has exceeded the threshold limit. DPM database size: %DPMDBSize; GB DPM database location: %DPMDBLocation; ...
DPM database updated. Consistency check operation will automatically run for the restored data when the client computers ...
DPM detected an inconsistent replica of the data source for %ListOfDataSources;. Attempts to fix this may not have been successful. ...
DPM detected multiple disks with the same disk identification number (DiskID). None of these disks will be added to the DPM ...
DPM detected that server %ChosenServerName; is clustered, but could not identify the fully qualified domain name of %ServerName;. ...
DPM detected that the following servers are clustered, but could not identify their fully qualified domain name: %ListofServers;. ...
DPM detected that the recovery point volume for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; is not available on the DPM server. Protection ...